Teeth are one of the most important parts of our body but often the most neglected. They play an important role in overall health and well being. The Primary function of the teeth is to chew or ground the food making it easy for swallowing and digesting. Chewing of food helps in its proper digestion. According to the research by Periodontology 2000, tooth loss is also an indicator of life-threatening diseases. Researchers claim that those who have lost five or more teeth before reaching the age of 65 have a higher risk of early death. Conversely, those who have a complete set of teeth by the age of 74 have a greater chance of reaching 100 years of age.
Apart from that, toothache is one of the worst pain one can have. We are not exaggerating, the person who has experienced tooth pain knows that. Taking proper care of your teeth will not only prevent tooth decay and gum diseases but will keep them looking bright and healthy. Below are the 7 steps you need to follow for healthy teeth and gums.
Brushing Twice a Day: Brushing is very crucial to prevent tooth decay and to remove plaque. Plaque is a sticky-soft substance or film that builds up on your teeth. It is formed by the mixture of leftover food particles and saliva in your mouth and is the main cause of cavities and gum diseases. It can harden into tartar if not removed daily. Brushing regularly and properly removes dental plaque from the tooth surfaces. It is advised that you should Brush your teeth for two to three minutes, twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. One must use antimicrobial toothpaste containing fluoride which will scrub off germs and protect teeth from decay.
Flossing: Flossing plays a very important role in dental health care. A toothbrush cleans the top and outer surfaces of the teeth (and gums) whereas mouthwash can get rid of the bacteria that form plaque but the tight spaces between the teeth as well as the gap between the base of the teeth and the gums is difficult to clean either by toothbrush or mouthwash. This is where floss comes in. Floss is an interdental cleaner which is specifically designed to clean these places. Floss can easily remove stubborn tartar and small bits of food that gets deposited there.
Using Mouthwash: Brushing and flossing won't be able to clean your mouth completely, especially under your tongue and on the roof of your mouth, leaving some of the germs behind. These germs can cause plaque, gum problems, and even bad breath. Mouthwash reaches the whole mouth and removes germs which can't be possible by toothbrush and floss.
Drinking more water: Drinking water is not only good for your overall health but also for the teeth. Saliva, the first defense against tooth decay, is 98% water. Saliva keeps your teeth strong by constantly providing teeth with calcium, phosphate, and fluoride. Water helps in replenishing saliva supply in your mouth. Also, drinking water after every meal washes out some of the sticky and acidic foods and beverages lodged in your mouth.
Limiting sugary and acidic foods: When you consume sugary products, the bacteria in your mouth use these sugar to produce acids that can erode the enamel of your teeth. These acids are the culprits that lead to cavities. One shouldn't avoid the sugary and acidic foods altogether but should consume them in moderation.
Say No To Tobacco Products and Alcohol: Chewing Tobacco and smoking reduce the blood flow into your mouth, increases the inflammation and leads to high bacterial growth in your mouth. The abrasive nature of tobacco products wears down the teeth and weaken the jawbone. As per research, Smokers are 2 times as likely to develop gum related disease than non-smokers. Similarly, the cells that are lining your mouth and throat are vulnerable to the harmful effects of alcohol. Drinking alcohol (moderately) increases your chances of mouth or throat cancer by 20%.
See your dentist at least twice a year: Prevention is better than cure. This proverb stands true almost everywhere and teeth are no exception. People generally visit the dentists when they have severe dental problem. Most of the times this situation can be avoided if they go for a regular checkup. Even if you brush and floss your teeth dutifully, then also you should visit the dentist on a regular basis, there can be many other reasons that can lead to dental problems which only Dentists can spot. It's recommended that you should see your dentist for cleanings and checkups twice a year.
About The Mindful Dentist
The Mindful Dentist is a team of highly qualified, skilled, experienced and passionate dentists and staff in the crystal palace area of South London. Our mission is to provide the best possible dental care and experience to our patients. Dr. Kushel Morjaria Dentist and Dr. Chetan Morjaria from the Mindful Dentists are known for their friendly yet professional approach.
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The Mindful Dentist's Clinic is located in 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. To schedule an appointment simply for dentist south east london call us on 0208 771 7888 or drop us an email at info@mindfuldentist.london and one of our representatives will get in touch with you.
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