10 FAQs on Orthodontics and Dental Implants

Many people, in general, are unaware of how to seek solutions for their dental problems. While almost all go to a physician for any kind of ailments, dental concerns are silently overlooked. With the many advances in dental technology, it is time everyone realizes that they do not have to put up with misaligned teeth for the balance of their lifetime!

Below discussed are some common FAQs about Orthodontics-

1. What is orthodontics? How different is it from conventional dental practices?

Orthodontics is a division of dentistry. It deals with diagnosing and finding solutions for dental irregularities. It also involves processes undertaken to correct facial irregularities due to misaligned teeth. Orthodontics is a specialization; hence we can say, not all dentists are orthodontists.

2. Who should consult orthodontists? Is there an ideal age for general consultation?

Anybody, irrespective of his age, having an asymmetrical dental and facial structure can consult orthodontists. Practitioners of Orthodontics South East London and all over the world consider a 7-year-old person an ideal patient for tooth misalignment correction. The earlier a problem is detected, the easier it becomes to acquire a solution for it.

3. Can you take precautionary steps to ensure that one can avoid any kind of orthodontic problems? What are the causes of orthodontic problems?

The answer to this is a partial yes. Keeping a child away from thumb sucking and pacifier in childhood is most likely to keep orthodontic problems at bay. But not all orthodontic problems are due to mistakes made in teeth care. Some are accident born; some are genetically inherited like tooth crowding, etc. Therefore, there is no sure shot way to ensure an orthodontic treatment free life!
4. What can an orthodontic examination let me know?

By going in for a check-up with a practitioner of Orthodontics South East London, you could find out if you have any orthodontic concerns. You could learn about treatment options, the cost and duration of the treatment and what to expect after the completion of the treatment. The duration of orthodontic treatment may vary from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the severity of the problem.

5. What are the most common orthodontic problems?

The most common orthodontic problems are a deep bite, protruding tooth, crowding, incorrect spacing, cross-bite, and lower jaw protrusion to name a few.
6. Does wearing dental braces hurt? Does the person wearing dental brace need to follow a lot of restrictions?

After wearing dental braces, most patients experience a sense of pain for 2 to 3 days. Gradually after a few visits to the orthodontic, the pain subsides, and the patient no longer feels the soreness. Yes, people with braces need to follow certain food intake restrictions to maintain the braces. However, they are very minimal and negligible, like not biting on to very hard food and compulsory brushing twice a day.

7. What Are Dental Implants

A dental implant is a titanium post or frame that is surgically placed into the jawbone. It is like a tooth root placed beneath the gum line. It allows the practitioner of orthodontics South East London,to place a replacement tooth or bridge on top of it. A dental implant is fixed and doesn’t come loose like a denture.

The basic criteria to be able to consider implants are having healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. A thin and soft bone cannot support an implant.

Implants are one of the most expensive methods of tooth replacement.

8. How do dental implants South East London work?

Implants fuse to your jawbone and provide stable support for artificial teeth. Such implants are fixed in your mouth and do not slip or shift when eating and speaking. They feel more natural than dentures or conventional bridges.

The most significant feature of Dental Implants South East London is that no adjacent teeth need to be disturbed for creating room for the new replacement tooth/teeth.

9. What are the prerequisites of dental implants South East London?

To be able to be a recipient of dental implants, the foremost thing the orthodontist would check is the health of your gums and whether you have an adequate bone that would enable you to support the implant.

10. What are post requisites after dental implants?

You would have to meticulously commit to oral hygiene. This would ensure that the implanted structures stay healthy. You would also have to commit to regular dental visits.

The Mindful Dentist

The Mindful Dentist is located at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. They are well known for their finest and affordable dental services in South East London.  Wish to know more about orthodontics and dental implants South East London? All your queries are just a callaway. To schedule an appointment just call on 0208 771 7888 or drop an email at info@mindfuldentist.london. Visit www.mindfuldentist.london to get to know more.    .

1 comment:

  1. I like this post; thanks for sharing this content. Actually my tooth was not straight by birth. One of my friend wear braces. She suggest me to wear those bracess too but i thought Dental Braces hurts me. when I saw the changes in the shape of her teeth then i also apply them. they wasn't hurting me and now my teeth are straight and properly aligned.


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