Know More about Invisalign Braces


Invisalign are clear aligners that can straighten your teeth discreetly. These custom-made clear aligners help you get the shape of the mouth, you were looking for. Invisalign straightens your teeth by creating a series of clear aligners, instead of using traditional metal braces.

Invisalign in Crystal Palace

Forget everything you have heard before about braces. Invisalign from Dr. Rikul Patel Dentist is different. Invisalign is a breakthrough in dentistry. These clear sets of braces allow you to be more confident and get the smile you always wanted.

Under this treatment, Priya Mehta dentist uses a series of smooth, removable, and comfortable Invisalign aligners that slowly push your teeth in the desired direction. You need to change them after every two weeks until your teeth reach the position you have discussed with your doctor. These aligners are comfortable to wear and are removable, thus allowing you to eat, drink, brush, and floss as usual.

Why Use Invisalign in Crystal Palace?

The clear aligners are almost similar to a mouth guard and are almost invisible. They are excellent in straightening crooked, gappy, or overlapping teeth. These aligners are clear, almost wafer thin, and made of transparent medical-grade plastic. These aligners gently and gradually move your teeth from the present position to the desired location to help you get the smile you wanted.

Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign is the clear alternative to metal braces, freeing you from the hassle of brackets and wires. They offer more benefits when compared to metal braces. These include:

·         Your sets of Invisalign clear aligners are custom-made for you according to your unique requirements.

·         These aligners are almost invisible and hard to notice and fit snugly over your teeth.

·         Each set of aligners shifts your teeth gradually; moving them in all planes, and can even rotate them as and when needed.

·         Your aligners are engineered to provide the right amount of force in the right place and at the right time.

·         You need to shift to the next set of aligners within 10-14 days of time to help your teeth gradually move into position. Your dentist will provide you with a customized treatment plan designed especially for you.

·         Invisalign clear aligners are almost invisible and are made of proprietary, multilayer material that can gently shift your teeth to the right place.

Invisalign in Crystal Palace can treat

Invisalign can be used to treat various conditions of our teeth. These include:

Overbite: When upper teeth close in front of the lower teeth.

Underbite: A condition when lower teeth protrude past upper front teeth.

Crossbite: When upper and lower jaws do not align with each other.

Gappy Teeth: When there is an extra space between teeth.

Open Bite: This is a condition when the top and bottom teeth don't meet appropriately.

Crowded Teeth: When there is not just enough room in the jaw for teeth to fit normally.

Baby and Permanent Teeth: This is considered a phase 1 orthodontic treatment and is appropriate for growing children having a mix of baby and permanent teeth.

Generally a Set of Straighter Teeth: Sometimes straight teeth may worsen your smile. If you want a more beautiful smile, invisalign can make it happen.


Invisalign are invisible braces that help your treatment get unnoticed. Virtually nobody can judge that you are under a treatment till the time you tell them on your own. Moreover, these braces are a lot more convenient than traditional braces and can be removed when you want to eat your favorite food. A typical Invisalign case requires about six to 12 months as a treatment period, but the exact time depends on the severity of the case. Contact now and get your set of Invisalign to help you get a more confident smile. 

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