Urgent vs. Non-Urgent Emergency Dental Care

A dental emergency is any oral health problem that needs immediate dental treatment to save a tooth or to alleviate severe pain. If you immediately visit an emergency dentist in South East London in case of a dental emergency then it may reduce the risk of permanent damage to your tooth and lower the risk of extensive tooth repairs in the future. However, the best way to avoid dental emergencies is by taking precautions, for example: if your child plays contact sports, then they should wear a mouth guard to prevent a dental emergency.

Now you may be aware that dental emergencies are of two types, urgent and non-urgent. But the real question is how would you know if you’re dealing with an urgent or non-urgent dental emergency? Generally, the answer to this question depends on the severity of the problem, the level of pain, and whether or not immediate assistance will affect your results. So, in this article, we will see some common dental situations, and evaluate whether they should be dental urgent care or not.

Dental Emergencies That Require Urgent Care

Some dental emergencies may require urgent care, therefore in such cases, the timing of visiting a dentist near you is of utmost importance. If the dental issue that you are suffering from is extremely painful, could cause permanent damage, or may become life-threatening then you might need to see your dentist as soon as possible. Some of the emergencies that may need immediate treatment are:

Uncontrolled bleeding in the mouth: If you go through an accident and there is continuous bleeding in your mouth then you should immediately visit your emergency dentist in South East London. Because they are the only ones who can identify the cause to stop the bleeding and protect the wound from infection.

Loose or Knocked-out permanent teeth: If you knocked out your tooth then the chances of successfully reattaching that tooth diminish after 30 minutes. So, to save your tooth, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Facial bone trauma or jaw injury: If you are facing unbearable pain or difficulty in breathing, then you should straight away visit your emergency dentist in South East London to treat your jaw injury or other facial bone trauma.

Non-Urgent Dental Emergencies

You may be suffering from a dental issue that requires dental treatment. But if you may be able to wait for a few days without causing any severe pain or further damage, in that case, you’re likely dealing with a non-urgent dental emergency. Some of the non-urgent dental emergencies include:

Mild to moderate toothache: There are so many effective ways to treat toothaches at home. For example, applying ice, rinsing your mouth with salt water, or taking over-the-counter pain relievers. So, if you suffer from a mild toothache on a holiday you can wait till the next day to visit your dentist.

Objects stuck between teeth: If a piece of food got stuck in your teeth and you are not able to remove it, then you may need to visit a private dentist near you to dislodge the item from between your teeth. And as you wait for your appointment you can try flossing and using mouthwash to loosen the object.

To Sum Up

Now as you have read the article, you would have come to know about some of the urgent and non-urgent types of dental emergencies. So now if you are planning to undergo any dental treatment in South East London or looking for teeth whitening in South East London and searching for a good private dentist near you then visit Mindful dentist. They also have some of the best emergency dentists in South East London whom you can rely on completely. To book an appointment you can visit their site at The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/.

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