4 Of The Most Common Reasons To Visit The Dentist

In the past, the dentist was more focused on fixing dental issues than preventing them. But today, your dentist plays a major role in maintaining your overall dental health. Firstly your dentist examines your entire oral condition, including teeth, gums, and tongue as a routine checkup. They might also take x-rays to help get a better idea of what is going on inside of your mouth. And if they find any developing issues they would immediately start the treatment. Other than that, the earlier a dental issue is detected, the cheaper the treatment would be to correct the problem. That's why even if you brush and floss your teeth twice a day, you need to search for and visit a private dentist near me every six months to prevent and avoid any future decay and gum disease. 

Besides, here we have also mentioned some important reasons you need to visit your dentist every six months.

Early diagnosis of tooth decay

The primary reason to visit and search for a private dentist near me regularly is to avoid dental issues such as tooth decay and gum problems. Tooth decay is the most common problem for toothache. It occurs as a result of plaque in the mouth mixing with sugar or starch. This produces an acid that starts to attack the tooth enamel. And if it's left untreated, it can lead to more serious problems and even major dental concerns. These issues may seem minor at first, but the more the layers of teeth that get decayed the worse the damage gets.

Detection of oral cancer

Most people are unaware of this, but one of the most important aspects of a routine dental check-up is the oral cancer exam. Today, dentists receive special training to detect oral cancer. As it's something that can progress quite rapidly, and without knowing the signs or symptoms in how this can present, it can make it difficult for you to spot yourself. That's why it’s important to visit a private dentist near me regularly to ensure early detection.

Bad habits

It's perfectly understandable, that none of us is perfect and we all have some bad habits that we need to work on. But some bad habits can have a negative impact on your oral health. Patients who smoke, clench their jaw, grind teeth, chew on ice, eat lots of sweets, drink coffee, drink red wine, or brush their teeth too hard are some of the examples of bad oral habits. However, frequent visits to your dentist can help you track any potential harm you may be causing with bad habits. They are the ones who can help you identify harmful habits and can prescribe procedures or treatments to help you recover.

Education on proper dental hygiene

Many people aren’t aware of proper ways to handle their dental hygiene. Most people brush their teeth once per day and never floss. This may not sound like a big deal, but it can lead to major issues in the long run.

Brushing and flossing your teeth after every meal or at least twice per day can help to fight bacteria in your mouth and promote overall healthier teeth. But if you are looking for a more personalized dental hygiene routine, then you may want to keep up with your dental checkups so that you have professionals monitoring your oral health. 

Final Thoughts

As you have read the article, you know why it's important for you to visit a private dentist near me at least twice a year. So now if you are looking for a dentist for your dental examinations or if ever find a need to visit an emergency dentist in South East London, visit Mindful dentist. They have some of the best dentists in South East London whom you can rely on completely. To book an appointment you can visit their website – The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/.

Are Dental Implants a Permanent Solution to Missing Teeth?

Losing a tooth might make people feel too self-conscious to smile or talk in public. Plus, the biting irregularities that come with tooth loss can have a negative effect on your eating habits which can lead to secondary health problems like malnutrition. That's why if you have a missing tooth, the best option for you is to get a permanent tooth replacement option that looks and works just like your other natural teeth. 

Dental implants in South East London are one of the more common solutions for a missing tooth today. Basically, a dental implant is a metal post surgically placed in the jawbone. It is then attached to a crown, bridge, or denture for a seamless appearance and comfortable fit. However, the reason behind why you need to opt for dental implants is that the solution is as permanent as you can get and the Implants look very similar to your original teeth. Also, keep reading if you want to know more about dental implants and want to find out if it's right for you or if it's the permanent solution for missing teeth.

Are dental implants permanent?

Many patients have this question about whether their dental implants are permanent or not. The good news is: dental implants are designed in such a way that, if you take good care of them and clean them properly it may be a permanent solution for your missing tooth. Besides, dental implants in South East London can restore a single tooth, several teeth, or a full arch based on each patient’s needs. And the best thing about implants is that they can be easily cleaned just like your natural tooth with daily brushing and flossing, as well as routine care from a skilled dentist. But you need to keep in mind that implant dentistry is not suitable for patients who have certain medical conditions, use tobacco products, or for pregnant ladies.

Best timing for dental implant placement

Usually, the best time for you to get your dental implant in South East London is as soon as possible after your tooth loss. You shouldn't wait more than six months after losing a tooth, or series of teeth to start the treatment. Of course, dental implants can be placed any time after tooth loss but considering other factors it may determine resulting in bone loss. Also, the longer you wait the more are the chances for your bone loss and the more complex your dental implant procedure will get. Therefore, it's better that you take immediate action as it will definitely increase the odds of success with your dental implant procedure.

Dental implant treatments

Basically, dental implants treatments are of two types, Single-tooth implants and Multiple tooth implants or denture implants. 

1 - Single-tooth implant

Dental implants in South East London are the best option available for individuals with a single missing tooth. The implant behaves like a root and makes sure that the jawbone stays intact. It also ensures that the remaining teeth stay aligned and in the same place. Since there is no need for support from surrounding teeth, your smile will remain natural.

2 - Multiple tooth implants or denture implants

Today you can easily get implants for multiple or all your teeth. But if you have to replace all your teeth, you need an implant-supported full denture option because this ensures that your dentures have a proper foundation. And it also reduces the chances of discomfort and dentures falling out.

Winding Up

In a nutshell, as you have read the article, now if you are planning to undergo a dental implant in South East London or looking for teeth whitening in South East London then visit Mindful dentist. They have some of the best dentists in South East London whom you can rely on completely. To book an appointment you can visit their site at Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/.

The Best Dentist in South East London for Advice on Invisalign

Almost around 20 to 30 percent of the people in the world have a less-than-perfect smile and don’t feel confident about showing their teeth, and hesitate to laugh out loud in public. But now, we may have found out just the right solution for them in the form of Invisalign treatment. Basically, Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that helps you straighten your teeth and correct your misaligned bite. And this treatment is considered to be one of the best alternatives for traditional metal braces. Because you won't have to suffer through the discomfort and unattractive appearance of metal braces as they will replace with nearly invisible acrylic guides that would fit over your teeth.

However, to undergo Invisalign treatment, you need to select a highly skilled dentist, and Invisalign in crystal palace is one of the most trusted and reputed dentistry in South East London. So, visit them immediately to get the best Invisalign treatment in South East London. Also, remember that before opting for Invisalign treatment, you need to have detailed information about the treatment. And check whether it's right for you and if you are an eligible candidate for this treatment. 

Detail information about Invisalign treatment

When you visit Invisalign in crystal palace for a consultation, their orthodontist will tell you that Invisalign is one of the most advanced types of treatment available today for teeth straightening. Then they will examine your teeth, mouth, and bone structure and discuss with you what improvements you wish to make in your smile. A scan will be taken of your mouth, and impressions made of your teeth. The results of this scan will be sent to technicians at Invisalign, and they will begin to plan the series of aligners that will gently shift your teeth into their proper position. In every two to three weeks, you’ll stop using one aligner and start using the next one in the series. The number of aligners you receive will depend on the degree of alignment your smile requires.

Who is an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign is not suitable for every oral health issue, and it might not fit in every people's lifestyle. Suppose if you have cavities or gum disease, you may be advised to have a restorative treatment first before moving forward with your Invisalign treatment plan. Another potential issue can occur when you have dental bridges, dental implants, or TMJ issues because this can cause the Invisalign aligners to not fit properly in your mouth. These are some of the basic guidelines, but the best way to know if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment or not is by scheduling a consultation with Invisalign in crystal palace. They will ask you about your medical history, perform some tests and try to determine the best way to improve your smile.

How to find the best dentist for Invisalign 

Selecting an experienced, skilled, and efficient dentist for the treatment can make your Invisalign experience an enjoyable one. 

That's why here are some of the things you need to do to find the best dentist for the treatment.

1 - Read Online Reviews about your Invisalign dentist

2 - Find out how long they have been practicing.

3 - Inquire the number of Invisalign Cases they have Handled

4 - Ask for sample photos and references of their work.

Wrapping Up

So now, as you have read the article, if you are looking for Invisalign treatment in South East London, visit Invisalign in crystal palace. They have some of the best dentists in South East London, whom you can rely on completely. So now, if you want to book an appointment, you can visit their site at https://www.mindfuldentist.london/

Invisalign Treatment Process – The 5 Stages

Have you always been a little self-conscious about your smile, but too scared to get the metal braces? No worries now, as Invisalign aligners offer you the same great results as traditional metal braces, but without all the drawbacks that usually come with wearing braces. So, if you are considering straightening your teeth and are on the journey to find more about the same, you need to opt for Invisalign treatment in South East London. 

This treatment is considered to be perfect for both teens and adults of all ages and it offers benefits such as comfort, convenience, and discreteness. Also, the aligners are completely invisible and you can easily remove them while you are brushing, eating or drinking. Other than that, the treatment does not include any wires or metal that could irritate your teeth or gums. But the best advantage to go for Invisalign treatment in South East London is that you don't have to wear Invisalign braces as long as the metal ones and it's a very affordable treatment option too. 

That's why in this article, we have introduced you to the five steps of Invisalign treatment and detailed information about how it works.

Step 1 - Consultation with your dentist

Firstly you need to schedule a consultation with an experienced dentist for your Invisalign treatment in South East London. You should select a dentist that you feel comfortable with and could discuss your goals. Basically, at your consultation, the orthodontist will examine you, take x-rays and photographs of your teeth and discuss whether or not you are an eligible candidate for Invisalign treatment or not. They would also tell you about the concept of Invisalign and how they work in bringing your teeth to desired alignment, its advantages, its aesthetic appeal, etc.

Step 2 - Your dentist will design your treatment plan

Once the dentist finds out that you are an eligible candidate for Invisalign, then they would move on to the second phase and create a treatment plan. To accomplish this, a scan will be taken of your mouth and impressions made of your teeth. The data from that scan and those impressions are then sent to the Invisalign lab so that they can make a set of aligners for your teeth. And your dentist will note down every stage of your treatment and see exactly where your teeth will move during each set of aligners.

Step 3 – Wear the Invisalign aligners

As you receive your first set of Invisalign aligners, made specifically for your mouth you need to start wearing them. Your dentist will provide you with clear instructions on how to wear them, how long you need to wear them, how to maintain them, etc. And you need to follow all these instructions diligently.

Step 4 - After the last aligner

Once you’ve finished wearing the last aligner that had been designed for you, your dentist will examine your teeth and compare their new position to the original one. Sometimes you might need some adjustments that will be accomplished by ordering additional trays to complete the transformation of your smile. If additional trays are required, again, they might take up to a month to arrive, same as refinement trays. When refinement trays are needed, they’re provided at no extra cost to you.

Step 5: Reveal and maintain a new smile

Every dental case may be different, but it would take at the most one year for most adults to finally receive their beautiful new smile. But once you get the results, you need to take good care of your teeth to keep them straight and bright for a long time. And for that, you may need to follow the dentist’s guidelines carefully. This may include wearing a retainer made from the same material as the aligner trays to maintain the shape of your smile.

To Wrap Up

So now as you have read the article, if you are looking for Invisalign treatment in South East London, visit Invisalign in crystal palace. They have some of the best dentists in South East London whom you can rely on completely. So, if you want to book an appointment now, you can visit their site The Mindful Dentist -  https://www.mindfuldentist.london/.

Urgent vs. Non-Urgent Emergency Dental Care

A dental emergency is any oral health problem that needs immediate dental treatment to save a tooth or to alleviate severe pain. If you immediately visit an emergency dentist in South East London in case of a dental emergency then it may reduce the risk of permanent damage to your tooth and lower the risk of extensive tooth repairs in the future. However, the best way to avoid dental emergencies is by taking precautions, for example: if your child plays contact sports, then they should wear a mouth guard to prevent a dental emergency.

Now you may be aware that dental emergencies are of two types, urgent and non-urgent. But the real question is how would you know if you’re dealing with an urgent or non-urgent dental emergency? Generally, the answer to this question depends on the severity of the problem, the level of pain, and whether or not immediate assistance will affect your results. So, in this article, we will see some common dental situations, and evaluate whether they should be dental urgent care or not.

Dental Emergencies That Require Urgent Care

Some dental emergencies may require urgent care, therefore in such cases, the timing of visiting a dentist near you is of utmost importance. If the dental issue that you are suffering from is extremely painful, could cause permanent damage, or may become life-threatening then you might need to see your dentist as soon as possible. Some of the emergencies that may need immediate treatment are:

Uncontrolled bleeding in the mouth: If you go through an accident and there is continuous bleeding in your mouth then you should immediately visit your emergency dentist in South East London. Because they are the only ones who can identify the cause to stop the bleeding and protect the wound from infection.

Loose or Knocked-out permanent teeth: If you knocked out your tooth then the chances of successfully reattaching that tooth diminish after 30 minutes. So, to save your tooth, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Facial bone trauma or jaw injury: If you are facing unbearable pain or difficulty in breathing, then you should straight away visit your emergency dentist in South East London to treat your jaw injury or other facial bone trauma.

Non-Urgent Dental Emergencies

You may be suffering from a dental issue that requires dental treatment. But if you may be able to wait for a few days without causing any severe pain or further damage, in that case, you’re likely dealing with a non-urgent dental emergency. Some of the non-urgent dental emergencies include:

Mild to moderate toothache: There are so many effective ways to treat toothaches at home. For example, applying ice, rinsing your mouth with salt water, or taking over-the-counter pain relievers. So, if you suffer from a mild toothache on a holiday you can wait till the next day to visit your dentist.

Objects stuck between teeth: If a piece of food got stuck in your teeth and you are not able to remove it, then you may need to visit a private dentist near you to dislodge the item from between your teeth. And as you wait for your appointment you can try flossing and using mouthwash to loosen the object.

To Sum Up

Now as you have read the article, you would have come to know about some of the urgent and non-urgent types of dental emergencies. So now if you are planning to undergo any dental treatment in South East London or looking for teeth whitening in South East London and searching for a good private dentist near you then visit Mindful dentist. They also have some of the best emergency dentists in South East London whom you can rely on completely. To book an appointment you can visit their site at The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/.

What Makes Early Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

Early orthodontic treatment is the best way to spot any issues within your child's developing mouth and treat them before it turns into a major problem. Generally, orthodontic treatment is primarily used to prevent and correct bite irregularities. But it's also the answer to solving a lot of childhood dental problems.

Many orthodontics in South East London recommend that the children should receive their first orthodontic screening around the age of seven because that's the time when their upper permanent front teeth first erupt. It's also the best time for the orthodontist to evaluate your child’s existing and incoming teeth and to determine whether or not early treatment might be necessary for your child.

Orthodontic treatment can give your child a straight beautiful-looking smile. And many times this interventional treatment can help you shorten the amount of time your child will need to wear braces and, sometimes, it can also eliminate the need for braces completely.

Thus, here in this article, we have discussed why it’s really important to make sure your child sees the orthodontist at an early age and have mentioned some of the benefits of early orthodontic treatment.

Importance of early orthodontics

It's a good option to visit an orthodontic in South East London for a check-up when your child is young. Because if your child would have any dental issues, treating the problem would be easy as their jaw will be soft and pliable. 

The orthodontist during the first appointment will assess the tooth structure and jaw development of your child. This would help the orthodontist to identify any present or future orthodontic issues.

Once you found out that your child may face any dental issues in the future, it allows both the orthodontist and you to prepare for future treatments. Besides, early intervention lays foundations for a straighter smile and healthier mouth in the future.

What is early orthodontic treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment is also referred to as phase I of orthodontic treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to help young children who might have some or all of their primary teeth, which may create improper growth and alignment of permanent teeth. The primary goal of an orthodontic in South East London is to address the skeletal issues with the jaw and alignment before or soon after permanent teeth emerge. However, you should also know that there are various types of options available in early orthodontic treatment, depending on the specific issue the child has. But the three most common types of treatment include wearing a palatal expander, space maintainer, and braces.

Benefits of early orthodontic treatment 

Preventing crooked permanent teeth - If your child loses baby teeth too early, other teeth may shift and there are high chances that your permanent teeth erupt in crooked positions.

Reduce speech issues - Fixing bite issues at an early age can help you improve your child’s speech as misaligned teeth may lead to speech impediments. Fixing bite problems would also boost your child’s confidence to speak with others.

Reduced treatment later - To treat any issue while the child’s mouth is still growing is much easier. This also means that later treatment is much shorter or even can be avoided. So early orthodontic treatment may not only save your time but can also save a lot of money.

Wrapping Up

As you have read the article, you have come to know that your child would benefit from early orthodontic treatment. So now if you are planning to undergo any dental treatment in South East London and searching for a good private dentist near me then visit Mindful dentist. They have some of the best orthodontics in South East London whom you can rely on completely. To book an appointment you can visit their site at The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/.

Emergency Dentistry: What to Do When You Can’t Reach a Dentist in South East London

  No one can imagine how a toothache feels until they experience it. Dental issues can arise unexpectedly, ruining plans and making you mise...