How to deal with a dental emergency?


Dental problems are on the rise unlike ever before. Dental emergencies have always been very daunting. In an event of a dislocated tooth due to a minor accident, it may be too difficult to compose oneself and deal with the situation.

Consulting an emergency dentist South East London can be the best option; however, there are some tips to ensure the best first aid along with not losing one’s cool. They are as follows.

1- Try to control the bleeding

The trauma of having lost a tooth or some teeth could be too overwhelming, nevertheless, the profuse bleeding can be even more traumatizing. Being able to control the bleeding will help someone belittle the trauma to a great extent.

Blood coagulates naturally, the more you let the affected area of the mouth remain dry, the quicker the bleeding will stop.

2- Gargle with warm water

The pain from a broken tooth can be excruciating. If a tooth gets knocked off due to an accident, then the pain can be multiplied manifold. Needless to say, stopping the pain is another important thing to do.

Rinsing the mouth with warm water can be greatly helpful. Along with assisting in stopping bleeding, it can also reduce the agony of the affected area.

3- Do not root out the slightly dislocated tooth

When someone gets knocked out on the face, the accident may not result in a completely knocked off tooth. Sometimes, however, the teeth may get somewhat dislocated. It can be a complicated situation. One may wonder whether to remove the tooth or put it back in place.

We strongly advise you not to do anything of these sorts lest it complicate the situation further. 

Visit an emergency dentist South East London immediately.

4- Do not administer any painkiller without consultation

It may sound wise to pop in a painkiller before visiting an emergency dentist South East London, however it may turn out to be a big mistake. Painkillers come in a whole assortment; many of them suit only a handful of purposes. 

Taking a painkiller without the right consultation can be a grave mistake as it may lead to some other medical complications.

5- Do not try to self-medicate in any way

Not all dental emergencies demand immediate medical assistance. For those that do not, choosing aid from an emergency dentist South East London may seem like the last option. 

Stopping bleeding can definitely be the step you may want to take; however, continued medication is not advisable. 

At times, the dislocated tooth may still be connected to the socket, which can be painful to remove without a physician’s assistance. 

In some cases, the debris from a broken tooth or bone may remain in the socket. Hence, medical supervision would be the only choice.

6- Restoration of the tooth can only be done by a dentist

Having lost a tooth to an accident is not the end of the journey. Restorative procedures are possible in most cases. Hence, consulting a dentist may be an option you do not want to lose. 

Dental services like restoration, implant and crown fixing and teeth whitening South East London can be carried out under cosmetic dentistry.

Orthodontics is another field of dentistry that deals with extreme corrective steps like filing of teeth for improving facial symmetry. Implanting aligners can also be a procedure for correcting a wrong angle of teeth that result in teeth protrusion.


With these tips, you can ensure to get through a dental emergency with ease. Not losing one control or giving to panic is the key to self-help. Also, if you are looking for the best orthodontics in south east London, connect with The Mindful Dentist - today!

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