Guidelines To Be Followed After Invisalign Therapy That Will Actually Make Your Life Better


Have you went through Invisalign therapy to realign your teeth without using the traditional method of metal braces. Then you must be aware of after therapy issues that can be tackled by taking few precautions. Invisalign therapy is a great option to opt for if you have crooked teeth and want to straighten your teeth. Everyone wants to be happy with their smile and doesn’t like jagged teeth.

Anyone can go for Invisalign treatment in south east London as many dentists are available at reasonable prices. We are giving out some tips that will help you to maximize the result of Invisalign therapy.

Keep records of Invisalign: After going through Invisalign therapy, your doctor will guide you that the Invisalign tray needs to be changed after the interval of one or two weeks. You should note down each interval just after your treatment has been done. Your doctor will share all the guidance about changing and moving your trays to get desired results. Your dentist will appoint you a different session date and time for switching you to your next set of Invisalign. Write down the date of each session done and set a reminder for the following session timings. Invisalign treatment in south east London is offering discount prices to their new clients.

Follow the 22 hours rule: To get the most out of Invisalign therapy, you have to wear them maximum hours as possible. The expert dentist also does Invisalign in Crystal Palace; anyone can go there for expert doctor consultations. Wearing them 24 hours a day is necessary, but sometimes you need to remove them for special occasions like weddings, job interviews, and other reasons. At that time, you must follow the 22 hours rule means you should wear them at least 22 hours a day and can’t remove them for more than 2 hours.

Keep them safe: Whenever you feel to remove your tray, it is crucial to keep them safe in their retainer case. You can lose them or be thrown away by mistake if you put aligners on a piece of paper or in anything else. A retainer case always keeps your aligners safe. If you put them on retainer, you will not have to worry about finding them next time because they remain there safely. If you take Invisalign treatment in south east London, they will not charge extra for a retainer designed for your aligners. It will be advisable to keep the retainer in your purse or briefcase because you may need to remove them when you are out from home for any social occasion.

Keep extra set: Since Invisalign is a slow process, it takes months to get your teeth realigned. But if you were somehow not able to wear your aligners for more than a week, then there will be a risk of losing all the progress your teeth has made. These situations usually occur when you lose your set of aligners due to some reasons. But it is safe to keep extra pieces always in your cupboard. We advise you to use your previous set aligners as a backup. Next time you follow your dentist, ask them to give you back your aligners to use them to cover any future uncertainties.

Maintain dental hygiene: Another critical guideline that you should follow after Invisalign treatment therapy is maintaining hygiene. Aligners are designed to fit teeth tightly to reshape them with pressure, so anything that you eat will stick on your aligners or may get stuck in between the aligner and your teeth. You will not be able to wipe it out with your saliva or tongue. To cover the risk of cavities or mouth order, you should clean them. Use Brush and floss for your teeth every day to clean when you remove your aligners and also avoid eating sticky foods for better results. Patient of Invisalign treatment in south east London always praises for their after-treatment services.

Wrapping Up

Under Invisalign treatment, a transparent removable aligner provided by doctors is barely visible and easy to clean, and convenient to wear. If you want to undergo such treatment, visit The Mindful Dentist - .

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