What are Braces and What Do They Do?

Dental braces are generally wire-based devices used in Orthodontics South East London to align and straighten crowded and misaligned teeth or jaws. This is done usually to improve the appearance and the ability to eat and chew, thus improving overall dental health.

Braces work by a simple technique. They apply slow, yet continuous pressure on the teeth, overtime aiming to move teeth in a specific direction. This is done with the help of special wires and brackets that are bound to the teeth. with time, the teeth begin to move a little in the desired direction, changing the shape of the bone, due to the pressure.

Who usually are likely candidates for braces?
Age is no criterion for using braces. Generally, people prefer to get dental braces during their early teenage years so that they can enter their adult life with more confidence in better-looking teeth and smile!
But there is no definitive age range medically prescribed. Adults too can equally benefit from wearing braces. The only goal of dental braces is the proper alignment of teeth and jaw to achieve an even bite and better-looking smile.

What are the indicators you need dental braces?
There is more than 1 medical circumstance dictating the need for braces. The most common among them being -misaligned teeth. Teeth could either be overcrowded or crooked teeth or having too much spacing between them or jaw misalignment wherein the upper jaw overlaps the lower teeth resulting in an inappropriate bite or vice versa.

What is it like to wear braces?
Usually, braces are made of metal. So it is but obvious that the presence of small metal pieces glued to your teeth 24 X 7 over months feels different than a brace-free mouth. So the braces would definitely feel foreign at first. But eventually, over a few days, the body learns to recognize them. 

How long will the treatment take?
There is no single answer to this. The length of treatment is influenced by several factors like severity of the issue, bone structure of a person, and overall health of the individual. On a broad outline, it may take anything from a couple of months to almost two-and-a-half years. 

Do we need to maintain constant contact with the orthodontic team during treatment?
Yes. Each treatment is personalized and dynamic in nature. The process to be carried on in each sitting would depend on the rate of progress and responsiveness of the individual patient’s teeth. In general, orthodontic braces usually require adjustments every 4 to 6 weeks.

What are the benefits of braces apart from straightening aligned teeth?
An Orthodontic treatment brings with it a multitude of different benefits. Apart from straightened teeth, an orthodontic procedure can also move teeth into a better position, thus helping in improving appearance, bite and the teeth cleaning process. It also helps in getting sticking out teeth in line. Such sticking out teeth if not corrected could lead to straining the jaw muscles and causing jaw and joint problems, at times even resulting in severe headaches. With such alignment correction orthodontic treatment, you can bite more evenly without causing unnecessary strain to the jaw muscles.

Is the orthodontic treatment permanent in nature?
Post the retention period, there are chances of minor tooth movements occurring throughout life, thus no permanent guarantee can be promised. But such movements are minor and it is unusual for teeth to move such that retreatment can be required!

Can orthodontics treatment damage the teeth?

No. the treatment cannot be damaging, but poor cleaning habits coupled with excess consumption of sugary foods can damage the teeth. It is also advised to cut down on sticky and hard foods. Extra care with intricacy for cleaning in between the brackets and wires is of utmost importance. Practitioners of Emergency Dentist South East London recommend brushing after every meal, using mouthwash once a day and regular dental check-ups during the procedure duration.

Also, once the brackets and wires are out of the mouth, you would have to wear a retainer for some time. This would ensure that your teeth do not change their desired position. You surely do not want all the hard work and inconvenience you’ve put up with for all this while to go waste!

Also, it is recommended you continue to see your regular orthodontist for a while even after the completion of the whole orthodontic treatment.

The Mindful Dentist

Wish to get in touch with reputed cosmetic Orthodontics South East London? The Mindful Dentist is the best you can find. With a state of the art clinic at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA, they are your one-stop solution for any dental needs. To learn more about options for Dental Implants South East London, buzz at 0208 771 7888 or ping at info@mindfuldentist.london. Browse www.mindfuldentist.london for further details! 

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