Chipped Teeth Treatment & Repair

The outer covering of the teeth is known as Enamel. Although it is the toughest substance in the human body, it can break. A strong blow or excessive wear and tear could lead to it chipping.

Causes of chipped teeth

The most common reasons for chipping of teeth could be -
•    falling or travel accidents
•    biting hard substances
•    exposure to contact sports without a mouthguard
•    sleep grinding of teeth

Apart from these, several reasons could weaken the enamel of teeth. And weakened teeth are at more risk of chipping. Things that could weaken the enamel are-
•    Tooth decay and cavities.
•    Higher consumption of acid-producing foods, like fruit juices, coffee, and spicy foods.
•    Regular episodes of acid reflux.
•    Excessive alcohol / Sugar consumption.

Certain studies show that the second lower molar is at the highest risk of chipping. This is because it takes the maximum amount of pressure when chewing. Also, teeth with fillings tend to be more prone to chipping.But, all said and done, even intact teeth could get chipped!

Symptoms of a chipped tooth

Sometimes the chipped tooth may not be physically visible to you if it is not at the front of your mouth. The following symptoms could help you recognize a chipped tooth-

•    Feeling a jagged surface when your tongue touches.
•    Gum irritation.
•    Pain on biting.

If you feel any such things, it would be wise to get yourself inspected from a Emergency Dentist South East London.

Chipped tooth treatment options

The kind of treatment procedure your dentist crystal palacewould implement for treating your chipped tooth depends on several factors like its location, the extent of damage, the health condition of the patient, etc.

The treatment of a chipped wouldn’t be called an emergency unless it is causing severe pain or is affecting eating and sleeping. But it is best to consult a SE19 dentistat the earliest possible time frame to avoid any further damage.

Treatments for chipped tooth include-

Tooth reattachment

It is a wise thing to preserve the tooth fragment that broke off (if you can) until you visit your Dentist South East London. To preserve it, place it in a glass of milk. In certain cases, the dentist crystal palacemay be able to cement the fragment back onto your tooth.

Tooth Bonding

Dentists normally use composite resin to make an artificial fragment of the broken part and cement it to the surface of your tooth. Such bonds can last up to 10 years.

Porcelain veneer

For porcelain veneers, the SE19 dentist would first take an impression of your tooth. He would send it to a lab to create the veneer. This veneer when ready can be bonded to your tooth. Veneer could last almost 30 years.

Dental Onlays

Dental Onlays are often applied to the surface of molars. Dentists would first take a mold of your tooth. This would be sent to a dental lab to create the Onlay. Once it is ready, he would fit it onto your tooth and cement it. With proper care, dental Onlays can last for decades.

Root canal

The most complicated scenario in a chipped tooth could even lead you to a root canal if the chip has affected the root of your tooth.

Self-care for a chipped tooth while you wait

Although only a dentist could fix your chipped tooth, taking certain steps while you wait could help in reducing the harm.

•    Place a temporary dental filling material at the rough edge of the tooth. This would prevent any injury to the tongue and gums. Things like teabag/ dental wax/ sugar-free gum tend to be the ideal filling materials.
•    Taking a mild anti-inflammatory painkiller to help with the pain if any.
•    Placing ice on the outside of your cheek can help reduce any irritation caused by the chipped tooth.
•    Flossing can help remove any food caught around the chipped tooth.
•    Avoid eating/chewing.
•    A dab of clove oil can help numb the pain in the gums.

My two cents

A chipped tooth is one of the most common dental injuries. It usually isn’t accompanied by significant pain and can be treated with simple dental procedures. However, although it is not considered a dental emergency, a quick consultation with a dentist can help you avoid any kind of dental complications.

The Mindful Dentist

Are you browsing for reputed dentists to attend to your chipped tooth? You can stop looking when you find The Mindful Dentist. They can be found at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. Their team is highly qualified, skilled, and knowledgeable. The Mindful Dentist team involves Kushel Morjaria Dentist and Chetan Morjaria Dentist. They provide the best dental services in South East London. To learn in detail about how to dealwith your chipped tooth issues, just call 0208 771 7888 or email at

Browse to learn more!

Schedule an appointment today to fix your chipped tooth!

4 Simple Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home

Wish to get rid of the yellow tinge in your teeth? There are plenty of safe, chemical-free and easy home remedies worth giving a try before you seek professional services at a dentist for Teeth Whitening South East London.

Read along and get to know 5 simple ways to naturally whiten your teeth from the comfort of your home.

1. Oil Pulling

Swishing around oil in the mouth is known as oil pulling. Such swishing removes bacteria which causes yellowness in the teeth. This is a traditional Indian remedy. It not only whitens your teeth but also does wonders to improve your oral hygiene and eliminate toxins from the body.Although sesame oil is recommended for oil pulling, any other oil is ok too. The most popular choice is coconut oil due to its pleasant taste and additional health benefits associated with it.

Procedure- Take 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish it around your teeth for a full 15–20 minutes and then spit it out.

This technique may not have been scientifically proven, but since it is a safe practice associated with other benefits, it is definitely worth a try.
2. Brushing with Baking Soda

Baking soda has whitening property. It's a mild abrasive. It works by scrubbing away surface stains on the teeth. It also creates an alkaline environment inside the mouth, which ensures no bacterial growth is possible. Although it a slow process, but is effective, say dentists who recommend it for teeth whitening South East London.

Procedure - Mix 1 tsp baking soda with 2 tsp water. Use this solution few times a week to brush your teeth.

Again, such a practice has not yet been scientifically proven.

3. Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent. Hydrogen peroxide has been used in the medical industry for disinfecting wounds for times immemorial.

But just like other recommendations, such a home remedy has no scientific proof. Also, the usage of hydrogen peroxide does raise some safety concerns. Correct dilution is extremely important as stronger concentration can lead to gum irritation and tooth sensitivity claim dentists who practice teeth whitening South East London. They also recommend limiting the use of hydrogen peroxide to a maximum 3 times a week as overuse could erode the tooth enamel.

a)    One way to use hydrogen peroxide is, as a mouthwash. It is to be used before brushing. Ensure you take not more than 1.5% to 3% solution.
b)    Another way is by mixing it with baking soda. Mix 2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tsp of baking soda and use as toothpaste.

4. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar finds usage as a disinfectant and natural cleaning product. The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid. This is very effective in killing bacteria and has wonderful antibacterial properties too.

But such a remedy comes with its own share of risks. Acetic acid has the potential to erode the enamel. Hence limited use and controlled duration of contact with your teeth are strongly recommended by dentists who practice teeth whitening South East London.

Procedure- Dilute it with water and use it as a mouthwash.

All said and done, such home remedies are good, but one needs to be vigilant while implementing any such remedies. Also, excessive tooth discoloration cannot be handled by such DIY methods and call for professional intervention by a certified dentist. Such teeth whitening South East London carried out by certified professionals give better results, are much safer and very effective too.

Emergency Dentist

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure. These are performed with advance thought, planning and research. But not all dental procedures are cosmetic in nature. Sometimes in life, comes a situation when you would need the services of a dentist in an emergency. It could be unbearable tooth pain, broken or chipped tooth or an accident has hurt your face, mouth or jaws. Then you need to rush to an Emergency Dentist South East London.

A wise thing to do would be to keep in mind a good emergency dentist in and around your area. Life is uncertain; you never know when an emergency may arise. The Mindful dentist is a very reputed Emergency Dentist South East London

The Mindful Dentist
Are you looking out for a reputed emergency dentist South East London?

Or are you thinking about undergoing teeth whitening South East London?

The Mindful Dentist is the best you could ever find. They are located at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. The Mindful Dentistprovide advanced dental care at affordable rates especially in the worst possible emergency situations. They cater to a wide variety of dental procedures, from simple Teeth Whitening South East London to the most complex orthodontic issues.

To schedule an appointment ring at 0208 771 7888. You could even drop an email at

Visit at to know more!

10 FAQs on Orthodontics and Dental Implants

Many people, in general, are unaware of how to seek solutions for their dental problems. While almost all go to a physician for any kind of ailments, dental concerns are silently overlooked. With the many advances in dental technology, it is time everyone realizes that they do not have to put up with misaligned teeth for the balance of their lifetime!

Below discussed are some common FAQs about Orthodontics-

1. What is orthodontics? How different is it from conventional dental practices?

Orthodontics is a division of dentistry. It deals with diagnosing and finding solutions for dental irregularities. It also involves processes undertaken to correct facial irregularities due to misaligned teeth. Orthodontics is a specialization; hence we can say, not all dentists are orthodontists.

2. Who should consult orthodontists? Is there an ideal age for general consultation?

Anybody, irrespective of his age, having an asymmetrical dental and facial structure can consult orthodontists. Practitioners of Orthodontics South East London and all over the world consider a 7-year-old person an ideal patient for tooth misalignment correction. The earlier a problem is detected, the easier it becomes to acquire a solution for it.

3. Can you take precautionary steps to ensure that one can avoid any kind of orthodontic problems? What are the causes of orthodontic problems?

The answer to this is a partial yes. Keeping a child away from thumb sucking and pacifier in childhood is most likely to keep orthodontic problems at bay. But not all orthodontic problems are due to mistakes made in teeth care. Some are accident born; some are genetically inherited like tooth crowding, etc. Therefore, there is no sure shot way to ensure an orthodontic treatment free life!
4. What can an orthodontic examination let me know?

By going in for a check-up with a practitioner of Orthodontics South East London, you could find out if you have any orthodontic concerns. You could learn about treatment options, the cost and duration of the treatment and what to expect after the completion of the treatment. The duration of orthodontic treatment may vary from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the severity of the problem.

5. What are the most common orthodontic problems?

The most common orthodontic problems are a deep bite, protruding tooth, crowding, incorrect spacing, cross-bite, and lower jaw protrusion to name a few.
6. Does wearing dental braces hurt? Does the person wearing dental brace need to follow a lot of restrictions?

After wearing dental braces, most patients experience a sense of pain for 2 to 3 days. Gradually after a few visits to the orthodontic, the pain subsides, and the patient no longer feels the soreness. Yes, people with braces need to follow certain food intake restrictions to maintain the braces. However, they are very minimal and negligible, like not biting on to very hard food and compulsory brushing twice a day.

7. What Are Dental Implants

A dental implant is a titanium post or frame that is surgically placed into the jawbone. It is like a tooth root placed beneath the gum line. It allows the practitioner of orthodontics South East London,to place a replacement tooth or bridge on top of it. A dental implant is fixed and doesn’t come loose like a denture.

The basic criteria to be able to consider implants are having healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. A thin and soft bone cannot support an implant.

Implants are one of the most expensive methods of tooth replacement.

8. How do dental implants South East London work?

Implants fuse to your jawbone and provide stable support for artificial teeth. Such implants are fixed in your mouth and do not slip or shift when eating and speaking. They feel more natural than dentures or conventional bridges.

The most significant feature of Dental Implants South East London is that no adjacent teeth need to be disturbed for creating room for the new replacement tooth/teeth.

9. What are the prerequisites of dental implants South East London?

To be able to be a recipient of dental implants, the foremost thing the orthodontist would check is the health of your gums and whether you have an adequate bone that would enable you to support the implant.

10. What are post requisites after dental implants?

You would have to meticulously commit to oral hygiene. This would ensure that the implanted structures stay healthy. You would also have to commit to regular dental visits.

The Mindful Dentist

The Mindful Dentist is located at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. They are well known for their finest and affordable dental services in South East London.  Wish to know more about orthodontics and dental implants South East London? All your queries are just a callaway. To schedule an appointment just call on 0208 771 7888 or drop an email at Visit to get to know more.    .

Causes of Throbbing Tooth Pain and What you Could Do

Any kind of tooth pain indicates that you might have damagedtooth. Some of the most common reasons for tooth pain are tooth decay, cavities, and infections in the tooth or gums. A toothache brings with it a continuous dull ache, increased pain on eating something sweet, severe pain on biting, continuous tingling sensation (known as sensitivity), tenderness in the mouth, swelling of gums, bad smell from the mouth, an ache in the jaws, bad taste in the mouth and even fever.

Toothache can happen to anyone, be it adults or children. You should consult a Private Dentist Near Me if you notice any of the above signs or symptoms. The dentist is most likely to prescribe you a dental X-ray after examining you to determine the exact cause of tooth pain.

Read along about the 4 most probable causes of throbbing tooth pain

1. Tooth decay

Cavities or tooth decay is the most common reason for pain in the tooth. It happens when bacteria eat through the enamel- the hard, outer layer of the teeth. Tooth decay looks like small white/ brown/ black spots on the teeth.Not all bacteria are bad. In fact, bacteria are very much part of a perfectly normal mouth and good body health. But it gets harmful when there are too many bad bacteria depositing on the teeth due to the consumption of too much sugar or unhealthy food. Some bad bacteria form plaque that would stick to your teeth. Some others generate acid that creates holes in the teeth, called cavities.

Treatment-Chetan Morjaria Dentist from The Mindful dentist team would easily be able to fix such cavities in the teeth. He would first clean the teeth to get rid of the plaque, then fill the cavity and put you on mild antibiotics for a few days to clear up the infection.

2. Tooth abscess

An abscess is a pocket of pus. A tooth abscess occurs when the pulp of the tooth dies. Such pus causing bacteria causes infection or inflammation of the tooth resulting in throbbing pain. A tooth abscess can also happen when a damaged tooth is not treated on time.

A dentist would first prescribe you antibiotics to kill the infection-causing bacteria. Then he would surgically clean out the abscess. A tooth abscess could also lead you to a root canal treatment if the cause of the abscess formation is a decayed or a cracked tooth.

3. Fracture in the tooth

Just like a fracture in the bones, a fracture in the tooth means a crack or split in the tooth. Tooth fractures can happen due to an accidental fall, or by biting on something hard like ice. Sometimes tooth fractures even develop slowly over time. Due to the fracture, things can get inside the tooth and irritate it, or infect the pulp/ nerves and cause pain.

Treatment- Just search for a private dentist near me. He could easily repair a tooth fracture either with dental veneers, dental glue, or tooth fillings. He may even suggest cap/ crown placement or a root canal, depending on the extent of the damage.

4. Gum infection

A gum infection is also called gingivitis. It can be caused by prolonged poor eating habits, excessive smoking, hormonal changes, health conditions like diabetes, cancer, etc., poor dental hygiene or even genetics. Infected gums lead to bacterial build up around the tooth roots, thus generating toothache.

Treatment-A gum infection is commonly treated with antibiotics, regular cleanings by the dentist, and usage of a medicated mouth wash. Severe gum infections can also lead to dental surgery to save the teeth.
Self-care tips

If you are unable to see a dentist immediately, these self-care tips could help you during the waiting period:

•    Warm salt water rinsing of the mouth
•    Gentle flossing to remove food or plaque
•    A cold compress on the jaw/cheek
•    Application of clove oil to numb the gums.

However, the key to any kind of tooth pain is early treatment from a dentist. Procrastination would only worsen the situation. Regular dentist visits at any reputed private dentist near me can help prevent serious teeth troubles before they cause pain.

The Mindful Dentist

Have you been browsing to find a reputed private dentist near me? Is your toothache worrying you? Then it is time to reach out to The Mindful Dentist team. They are located at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. The Mindful Dentist team comprises of Chetan Morjaria dentist and KushelMorjaria dentist. They are one of the most reputed private dentists in SE19, known for providing the best and affordable all-round dental care.

Call 0208 771 7888 or email at or browse to get to know more!

Bid goodbye to toothache. Call The Mindful Dentist now!

Emergency Dentistry: What to Do When You Can’t Reach a Dentist in South East London

  No one can imagine how a toothache feels until they experience it. Dental issues can arise unexpectedly, ruining plans and making you mise...