Everything You want to Know About Teeth Whitening

All of us want to have a perfectly white smile. Because nothing catches the eye better than a sparkling white smile, but sadly, due to smoking, excess tobacco use, age or medication, our teeth may not remain as white as they used to be. Now you don't have to worry as teeth whitening in South East London is a dental procedure carried out by a professional and safe dental setting. It is considered to be one of the most affordable dental procedures. Even though results may vary depending on the method you choose, phenomenal results can be achieved when a professional dentist does the treatment. Many tooth whiteners are available in the market that may fail to do their work; thus, choose your whitener wisely. Apart from this, you also have to consult your dentist whether your teeth will bleach well or not. Here are some of the things that you should know about teeth whitening in south east London.

Different types of teeth whitening

Consult with your dentist if you are eligible for a teeth whitening procedure or not. If you are fit for the teeth whitening process, the dentist has to decide whether you need a dentist-supervised for the treatment or you can do it at home using the kit your dentist will provide you. Usually, dentists advise their patients to avoid over-the-counter tooth whitening kits, particularly the ones which have not received ADA approval. By following strict instructions on the package, store-bought kits may take up 7-30 days of regular use before seeing the results you see looking for.

Teeth whitening does not damage your tooth enamel

Enamel is considered the hardest tissue in the human body, and teeth whitening gel does not damage your tooth enamel. Enamel contains tiny tubules that can only be seen under high magnification. Even though enamel is the outermost layer of the tooth, it is the layer of tissue beneath the enamel that helps absorb most of the stain known as dentin. To achieve successful teeth whitening in southeast London, the product needs to flows through the enamel tubules and begins to lighten the underlying stained tissue.

Sensitivity after teeth whitening is normal

According to research, more than 60% of Americans have sensitive teeth. It is most often caused by genetics, thin enamel, or crack/damaged teeth. While you are undergoing a whitening treatment, it is completely normal for sensitivity to occur. During this process, teeth become temporarily dehydrated, which reduces their ability to insulate the nerve from temperature changes. Sensitivity will disappear in 12-36 hours after whitening. Dentists and hygienists advise having a post-whitening fluoride treatment to nourish the teeth and promote rehydration.

Things you should consider after the whitening process

• After the whitening process is completed, prohibit the consumption of sodas, coffee, tea, smoking, etc. for at least two days

• Bleach does not work on fillings, crowns, and caps. Consult your dentist if they need to be replaced if they do not match with the rest of your teeth.

• The professional-grade bleaching components used by dentists are of high dose and help remove the toughest stains, to get you the best smile that you can show off.

Wrapping Up

If a person is looking for teeth whitening in southeast London, they can visit mindful dentists as they have hired some of the best dentists in southeast London. They have a team of highly qualified skilled and experienced dentists and provides the best treatments to their patients. One can also schedule an appointment by visiting their site -The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/ and let them help you smile confidently.



How to Be Prepared for a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is a sudden, often unexpected trauma or sensitivity to the teeth and supporting gums that requires immediate attention. Thus, one should always be prepared for a dental emergency; it will help you keep calm and maintain a clear head throughout the ordeal. You'll know what steps need to be taken for your tooth (or teeth), and you can act accordingly without wasting any time. So here are some tips to help you prepare for a dental emergency, including knowing how to find an emergency dentist.

Just in case there is a dental emergency keep a dental first aid kit handy

If there is a dental emergency, the last thing you want to do is run for the first aid materials you need. A first aid kit will come in handy because it will have everything that you require in one place. While travelling, packing a small kit for it is also a great idea, as no one knows from where an emergency might occur when you're far from home. The dental kit should include Pain medication, hydrogen peroxide, Tweezers, a small container with a lid (for storing your tooth en route to the dentist), and some gauze (which will help stop bleeding). In case of an emergency, Google private dentist near me immediately.

Keep calm and know what to do

You need to have information about the dental emergency; it helps you how to respond during this situation. Here are some of the example of how to respond to some of the most common dental emergencies:

Knocked-out tooth- Don't touch the root of the tooth, instead, pick it up by the crown, rinse it gently with warm water until it's fully clean, put it in a glass of milk, and get in touch with a dentist near youby searching on Google – "private dentist near me" within the next few minutes if you hope to save the tooth.

If your tooth is chipped cracked or fractured, immediately contact a dentist near you for an emergency appointment. For that, you can simply search on the internet by typing – "private dentist near me."

Before heading to the dentist, rinse your mouth gently with warm water. If there is facial trauma involved, a patient needs to apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and control pain. Use temporary filling material such as toothpaste, or sugar-free gum to cover the broken parts until you can see a dentist. If you find teeth fragments, keep them in milk or water so you can take them to the dentist.

How to Find an Emergency Private Dentist Near me?

The best way to find an experienced and highly qualified emergency dentist is to look for a 24 hours open clinic and has cutting-edge dental technology. Advanced dental technology makes the dentist's job easier to care for your damaged or diseased teeth and gums efficiently. An Emergency dentist is also trained and capable of practising other types of dental services such as teeth-cleaning procedures, fluoride treatments, etc. They also do regular examinations and dental checkups. If a patient requires a filling or a restoration, then the dentist will likely be able to provide the services that a patient needs.

Wrapping Up

There is no need to feel helpless. With these tips, you can prepare for almost any dental emergency. If you are looking for an emergency dentist in southeast London, visit a mindful dentist as they have hired some of the best dentists in southeast London. They have a highly qualified, skilled and experienced dentist and can help you solve your issue.

One can also schedule an appointment by visiting their site – The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london and let them help you smile confidently.


Is Invisalign a Permanent Solution?

There was a time when a metal braces treatment was the only option to get a beautiful smile. But now, with Invisalign treatment, people have a great option to get their teeth straight. Usually, the dentist knows that straightening the teeth could be overwhelming and confusing for the patient; thus, they should advise their patients wisely.

Invisalign treatment in south-east London is now the more popular choice, especially amongst professionals who want to look their best while at work. The clear Invisalign aligners make them far more discreet than traditional metal braces; most times, people can't even tell you're wearing them.

The patient should have information about Invisalign aligners because it can help them understand what these braces do and whether they offer a permanent solution for straightening their teeth.

Information about Invisalign treatment and how does it work

If you are looking to get Invisalign treatment in south-east London, it would be helpful to understand what Invisalign treatment is. Invisalign treatment has trays that need to be fitted in your mouth as it helps to straighten your teeth. These trays are transparent; thus, they discreetly sit on your teeth without being seen by anyone. The aligners or trays used in Invisalign treatment are made up of the brand's manufactured plastic and are all individually created to fit your mouth and teeth' moulds.

Usually, Invisalign treatment is used to straighten the teeth, but it may also serve as a tool for helping individuals suffering from an overbite or an under-bite. Treating an irregular bite can be an important cosmetic treatment that helps you look your best and improves the health of your jaw and bone structure.

Suppose you are in doubt that whether undergoing an Invisalign treatment in south-east London is the right choice for you or not. In that case, you should schedule an appointment with your dental professional and take their consultation because they are the right person who can guide you towards the best plan for your mouth.

There are no restrictions to foods with Invisalign aligners

Earlier, people wearing traditional metal braces had many restrictions to follow. They were not allowed to eat the sticky or crunchy type of food as it may get stuck in their braces and faced challenges while maintaining proper oral hygiene. Invisalign clear aligners do not subject you to any restrictions. But it is important to remove your aligners before eating, even if you are having a snack. Chewing with your aligners is not a good idea because it can cause them to crack. Also, be sure to brush and floss your teeth after every meal or before putting your aligners back.

The patient may also want to know whether an Invisalign treatment is a permanent solution?

The short answer to the question is probably yes because the purpose of Invisalign aligners is to provide you with straight teeth for life. However, it is not quite that simple. Because if a person is undergoing any orthodontic treatment, they are likely crooked in some capacity. Invisalign helps straighten them, but if you do not take proper care of your teeth while wearing the Invisalign structures, you can't expect the desirable results. Thus it is vital to stick to the orthodontist's instructions if you want the treatment to succeed.

To Wrap Up

Now, if a person is planning to straighten their teeth, they can visit Invisalign in crystal place as they have some of the best practitioners for Invisalign treatment in south-east London. You can also schedule an appointment online by visiting their site. https://www.mindfuldentist.london/



Metal Braces vs. Invisalign: Which is Best?


Dental professionals have several ways to treat your oral health and straightening your teeth. The most preferred treatments for straightening the teeth this day are traditional braces and Invisalign treatment in south-east London. Both the treatments have their own set of uniqueness but deciding which is best for you will depend on several factors. While both procedures are beneficial for straightening teeth, your dentist is the correct person to make the right choice for you. Because they will decide the treatment depending on the nature of your problem, the patient must be aware of the treatment's pros and cons to understand their suitability.

Benefits of having traditional metal braces

• Metal braces cannot be removed - Metal braces will be fixed in your mouth till the treatment gets over, which is beneficial for a patient who is worried about losing their trays, or doesn't want to change their trays frequently. This type of braces is quite successful among kids as they are quite impatient, and it can be difficult to make them wear something for long.

• Treatment time for metal braces - The average time for metal braces treatment is around two years, but it can vary depending upon the patient's needs. For instance, if a patient needs to cover gaps between two teeth, the duration can be reduced considerably.

• After-care - once the patient has completed their treatment, they need to keep all that hard work intact. Thus, a positioner or retainer is given to the patient after the treatment to keep their teeth in form and is usually worn at night.

Benefits of having Invisalign treatment

• Removable aligners - One of the biggest benefits of having Invisalign treatment in south-east London is that the Invisalign trays are easily removable. Thus it helps the patient to eat and drink without getting food stuck in their aligner.

• Invisalign aligners are barely visible - Most patients tend to prefer Invisalign treatment in south-east London because the trays are barely visible. Invisalign aligners provide a great opportunity for adults who are planning to straighten their teeth for a while but have hesitated due to the appearance of having metal braces at an older age. As Invisalign aligners are barely visible, many people may not even notice when a patient is wearing them. This is the best thing about Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign trays are more comfortable - The Invisalign treatment is more comfortable while comparing to metal braces, as there are no wires or brackets that need to be fitted in your mouth that can create sores in your mouth. There is no risk of getting your gums cut in Invisalign treatment as the aligner just rub smoothly against your gums.

Traditional metal braces and Invisalign treatment in south-east London try to offer you the same result – straight teeth and improved oral health. So what makes them different? The differences between this treatment lie within the process of how they straighten your teeth. The dentist will determine which treatment is better for you according to your needs and preferences. Thus, once the dentist has picked the treatment, take comfort and think that it would only be a matter of time before you come out of it with the healthy and beautiful smile you've always wanted

Bottom Line

Suppose a person is looking for a dentist for Invisalign treatment in Southeast London to maintain their oral health in good condition. In that case, they can visit Invisalign in Crystal palace or visit their site The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/ and let them help you smile confidently.


The Orthodontic Process in Simple Steps

The orthodontic treatment is dependent on various factors, like your orthodontist or how your teeth respond to treatment. But it's important to keep in mind that a lot of it depends on you. An orthodontist should be highly specialized skills and that require years of training and practice. Orthodontic treatment is pretty simple, and seeing orthodontics in South East London provides you with benefits that can set you up for a lifetime of desirable dental fitness and a truly beaming smile. If you're thinking about what's involved, here's information on the orthodontic process in simple steps.

  • Step 1 - Choose your orthodontist wisely

It's important to choose a board-certified, experienced orthodontist to get the best experience and results. It's also important that the patient should feel comfortable in the orthodontist clinic and do not hesitate to ask questions about their treatment during the consultation. It's equally important that the patient must have complete confidence in their dentist because if they do not trust their orthodontics, they could end up their treatment in pain, discomfort, and dental conditions such as crooked teeth, which can cause serious health concerns. Thus it would be best if you took your time to find the right orthodontist for you or your child.

  • Step 2 - Know about your options

Once your orthodontist has formulated a treatment plan for you, the patient needs to understand exactly what the dentist has suggested about the treatment. The patient should ask their orthodontics in Southeast London that which type of treatment they may undergo and which types of appliances can be used. The patient should also be aware of the length of treatment and what they can expect at each appointment. The dentist should also tell about the estimated time for the treatment and the cost of it.

  • Step 3 - Be diligent about your oral hygiene

Healthy teeth are an essential condition for orthodontic treatment. And it is vital to have healthy teeth during the treatment. You should be conscious of your oral hygiene while undergoing orthodontic treatment because cavities and gum disease can complicate and extend your treatment. You should be vigilant in terms of oral hygiene if you have braces, and you also have to avoid sticky and crunchy food as they might get stuck in your braces. If you want to get rid of the braces quickly, you should brush, floss, and regularly visit your dentist.

  • Step 4 - Take good care of the teeth after the treatment.

Once the orthodontic treatment comes to an end and your braces and Invisalign aligners are removed, the patient needs to take good care of their oral health to maintain the teeth' position. Orthodontics in south-east London generally advises patients to wear a retainer after the treatment is over. Retainer involves a fixed metal wire that sits behind the teeth or usesa removable plastic retainer to keep their teeth in good condition.

Why do you need an orthodontist?

Orthodontists are dental specialists who are University trained in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Orthodontists can diagnose a whole range of painful and misaligned bites to tooth movement caused by bad habits, such as thumb sucking and even some forms of sleep apnoea. Orthodontist in south-east London offers you a wide range of treatment options to straighten crooked teeth, fix bad bites and align the jaws correctly.

Wrapping Up

Now, if you are looking for a dentist in Southeast London to maintain your oral health in good condition or thinking of having braces or Invisalign treatment, visit -The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/ and let them help you smile confidently.


Useful Tips which Help in Case of Dental Procedure

We often find ourselves with dislodged teeth; this may be due to little space for the teeth or, on the contrary, excess space (called a diastema). Another reason may be that the bite is not correct between the upper and lower part of the mouth. These problems can be solved by orthodontics south east London, which causes smooth and slow teeth movements.

Some of the symptoms that could indicate that the person needs orthodontics south east London treatment are listed below:

1. Obvious separation between the teeth. It can have different causes and is observed when the teeth are not together, but there is a certain distance between them.

2. Overcrowding: It is a fairly common situation that is detected at an early age. It occurs when several teeth seem to want to occupy the same space so that some must slide forward or backward, giving the impression of a very unsightly agglomeration.

3. Overbite or underbite - When the crown of the upper teeth almost completely covers the lower teeth, we are talking about an overbite, and it is common in children who suck their thumb. On the contrary, the underbite occurs when the lower teeth' crown obviously covers the upper teeth, giving a strange appearance to the entire mouth.

4. Bad occlusion - It occurs when the upper line of the teeth does not align with the lower line, making the correct placement of the teeth uncomfortable when closing the mouth.

Therefore, it is vital to take precautions in time; however, when problems or deformations of the teeth are inevitable, correcting children's habits such as thumb sucking or chewing objects keep their teeth healthy and take care of their health.

Preparing for a dental procedure

• Find out about procedures that fight fear

• Before starting any treatment, you must have an appointment with the dentist who will carry it out.

• Avoid, as much as possible, spending all day mulling over the fact that you have an appointment.

• If you think it will help you, we encourage you to ask your dentist if you can take some medication to calm your nerves.

• we recommend that you try to do something that diverts your attention: listen to music, read, look at your mobile

• You can also take advantage of the waiting time by doing mental relaxation exercises so that when it is your turn, you feel confident enough.

• Knowing that there is a gesture by which a dentist is going to stop doing what he is doing gives a lot of security and will help you control your fear of the dentist

• Ask the dentist all our doubt about your oral health

• Reach the dentist clinic 5 minutes before the appointment

• Don't take a heavy diet before going to the dentist for Orthodontics south east London

Types of orthodontics

Orthodontics south east London treatments can be interceptive or corrective:

• Interceptive treatment: Generally known as children's orthodontics, it tries to correct bad habits that could interfere with the face and jaws' normal growth. They are preventive treatments to avoid serious problems in future development.

• Corrective treatment: when the interceptive treatment has not worked or has not been carried out in time, corrective treatment is carried out. They are indicated for patients with consolidated malocclusion problems.

If you need the best dental health, go to the dentist south east London for the best oral treatment.


It is very true that aesthetic fashions increasingly influence the desire to have the perfect tooth alignment. Orthodontics south east London from Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/ is especially needed by people who have problems with their bite due to an early loss of milk teeth, a dental malposition, incisors with a bad angle, rotated teeth, crowding, speech problems, and breathing through the mouth. Each of these Problems negatively affects our oral health, which can be treated with the use of different types of appliances.



Emergency Dentistry: What to Do When You Can’t Reach a Dentist in South East London

  No one can imagine how a toothache feels until they experience it. Dental issues can arise unexpectedly, ruining plans and making you mise...