5 Mistakes to Avoid With Emergency Dental Care

 If the time comes and you need an emergency dentist south east London for dental care, the worst thing you can do is to go to the wrong dental care provider. It will waste your precious time and cost you badly. So, learn the right way to react to an emergency dental issue by understating the below-discussed emergency dental care mistakes. It will help you to reduce the risks for permanent teeth damage, a bacterial infection of your gums, and the need for extensive and expensive potential treatment.

1) Selecting Random Dentist

We have already discussed that choosing the right dentist is quite important to your oral health in the long run. Idyllically, you should have your own dentist whom you can call at any time and get help when dental emergencies arise. But, if your dentist cannot provide you with instantaneous dental services or is unavailable most of the time then finding the local dentist could be the best option to help you in the case when you have an emergency dental problem.

If you are searching for an emergency dentist in south east London, then do not go anywhere. The Mindful Dentist is here to treat you anytime.

2) Forgetting Dental Insurance

Usually, people forget to ensure that their dental insurance covers related costs or they forget their insurance card while visiting a dentist. If you have a dental insurance cover, you must inquire if your emergency dentist is a member of your insurance company to be covered. Do not take a chance because your insurance coverage can help you cut your costs. If your emergency dentist is not a member of your insurance cover, you should consider fixing a price in advance to avoid spending more than you planned.

3) Paying Additional Charges

This is one of the big mistakes that generally people make during dental emergencies. You must inquire about additional charges before visiting the dental service provider. Also, inquire about how much you have to pay in advance. So, you will not get any surprise at the time when they show up you the final bill.

4) Ignoring a Dental Emergency

Remember, pain is the human body’s natural mechanism of warning you that something is wrong. Therefore, when it comes to dental pain, why do many of us ignore dental pain? As a quick solution to dental pain, instead of visiting an emergency dentist, most of us take a painkiller. This may be because of previous bad experience, a general dental phobia, and anxiety, or worrying about fitting in an appointment. These painkillers will give you temporary relief from pain but it will not address the underlying cause. So, do not wait for a long time and avoid these dental emergencies as it can spread the infection or be the reason for the further damage to the tooth.

5) Taking Home Remedy

These days, the internet is packed full of home remedies for tooth pain. You will get home remedies for almost every dental pain. But, dental pain is a sign of a dental emergency and it is a sign that something is not right with your teeth or gums. Therefore, the perfect way to effectively deal with the problem is to Google – “private dentist near me” who can advise you on the best course of treatment. Using home remedies can lessen the pain for a short time but it can harm the tooth long term.

Final Words

In a nutshell, a serious dental emergency can be tremendously painful and hard to deal with. Also, it can be hard to choose the right emergency dentist south east London for your treatment when you are in pain. So, keep the above-discussed tips in mind that you can make unknowingly while you are searching on Google – “private dentist near me” when dental emergencies arise.

Do you need help with dental emergencies in south east London? Connect with The Mindful Dentist- https://www.mindfuldentist.london/. They have a team of professional and qualified dentists who will always strive to respond to your emergency as fast as possible.

Top 5 Benefits of Visiting an Emergency Dentist

 A dental emergency can arise at any time without any warning. Usually, you can wait a few weeks to visit the dentist for your routine teeth cleaning, checkup, or dental filling. However, there are some situations like severe pain, a knocked-out tooth, or prolonged swelling when you require instantaneous intervention. In such cases, it is important to contact an emergency dentist south east London. Whether it is the middle of the night or the weekend, there are a few advantages to looking for prompt care.

Let us check out a few benefits of visiting an emergency dentist south east London.

1) Pain Relief

When you are in severe pain, look for help so that you can get the relief you need. Prolonged oral discomfort and swelling will not allow you to go out or do your routine tasks with comfort. That’s why it makes sense that you pick up the phone as soon as possible and call a private dentist near you. The longer you wait to get care, the more unbearable your pain might become. Ultimately, it will interfere with your professional and personal life. So, for instant pain relief it is better you think and Google about “private dentist near me” and get an immediate appointment.

 2) Preventive Care

When you are suffering from tooth pain and inflammation, it might be a sign of a more serious issue like infection called an abscess. This kind of bacterial infection will not go away on their own. And, without prompt treatment, there are high chances of spreading it to the jaw, neck, and brain. In a few cases, this bacterial infection can lead to life-threatening sepsis. When you are suffering from a toothache, it might not seem like a major issue at first. However, treating it immediately can prevent more serious damage that can occur in the future. If you do not opt for prompt intervention, knocked-out or damaged teeth can lead to dangerous oral infection.

 3) Peace of Mind

Generally, most of the people avoid visiting a healthcare professional until they are positive it is an emergency. However, it is a fact that you can never be too careful. So, if you are in pain, then call an emergency dentist to get peace of mind you deserve. If you do not call them then you might be filled with worry, ache, and uneasiness.

 4) Immediate Treatment

In a normal situation when you visit a dental clinic, you may have to wait for some time before getting attended to. However, when you opt for an emergency dentist, you will not have to wait at all. The dentist ensures that you are the priority and you will get an instant treatment within a few minutes.

 5) Protect Your Oral Restorations

Usually, accidents do not involve your healthy teeth. However, sometimes they can affect your restorations. If a filling or crown breaks, you must visit an emergency dentist for preventing infection and ensuring that your teeth remain functional.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, going to an emergency dentist can help you heal quickly. Remember, it does not mean you are paying extra bucks for the same procedure.  Emergencies do not wait for anyone. So, when emergencies arise do not wait for a general dentist to treat you. Instead, Google “private dentist near me” or “emergency dentist south east London” and visit them. The sooner you visit an emergency dentist, the better it is.

If you are looking for a reliable dentist in south east London, then connect with The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/. Their oral healthcare professionals are 24*7 available for you when you are in pain and require immediate assistance.

Factors that Determine the Success of Your Teeth Whitening Procedure

 Teeth whitening is a dental process that restores the discoloured teeth to their original colour. The process is also known as teeth bleaching. The original white colour makes your smile bright and shining. Teeth whitening in south east London is a highly effective and efficient process that reduces the appearance of the pale looking surface of your teeth. 

Including the teeth whitening process there are other factors too that can influence the result of your teeth whitening procedure.

  1. Your natural teeth colour


The final shade of your teeth is determined by its original colour. Often over the counter teeth whitening products do not respond effectively to greyish shade teeth or brown shade teeth when compared to the person having yellowish shade teeth. Therefore, people having brown and grey shade will have to undertake various teeth whitening treatments.

 2. The duration of treatment

The best practice that dentist in south-east London recommends is to follow the instructions of the process, failure to do so may have the consequences that have less stellar results. There is a definite in every step of the teeth whitening procedure which when followed will have optimal results. When undertaking this procedure at home it will require days, weeks, or months to achieve the desired result, while whitening treatment in a dental office can be completed in less than an hour.

3. Type of whitening agent used

The success of your treatment to a great extent also depends upon the teeth whitening agent you use. For procedures of teeth whitening, there are various dental clinics that will offer better treatment options when compared to the over-the-counter options. Usually, treatments provided by professionals can have better results in less time. Dentists also ensure that they use better whitening products to can optimal results. Moreover, the concentrate used for a whitening agent is higher when getting the procedure done at a clinic.

 4. Lifestyle

Your day-to-day life habits also are an influencing factor for the success of your whitening treatment. the duration of your treatment will depend on how often you use tobacco products and smoke. One must stop using the products that result or are the cause of your teeth staining. Also, drinks that are acidic and contain permitted colours like coffee, tea, soda, wine, etc. must be limited to less staining your newly whitened teeth.

 5. Teeth condition

The condition of your teeth also plays a significant factor in determining how effective and better the treatment of teeth whitening in Southeast London can be. Teeth that have a build-up of plaque and cavities will not brighten that effectively as compared to teeth that are not affected by such diseases. It is recommended that before undergoing a tooth whitening treatment have your teeth cleaned thoroughly by an expert. It will ensure that your teeth will have a fitting foundation for the whitening product.

 6. The surface of your teeth

One thing you must understand is that the teeth whitening products are created in a way that works only on natural teeth material. It will not whiten the artificial teeth material like porcelain, veneers, and caps. Surfaces that are thin are easily to whiten than the surfaces that have thick enamels and calcium deposits. Whitening agents quickly penetrate in thin surfaces as compared to the thicker surfaces.

To conclude

The above factors play an influential role in the process of teeth whitening. You can contact a The Mindful dentist in south east London to give you more specific details on what you must consider before opting for a whitening treatment. You can contact them for the appointments at www.mindfuldentist.com

Top 5 Benefits of Invisalign

 Do you want to have an attractive pearly smile? If yes, then misaligned and crooked teeth not only affect your appearance but also how easily and well you can clean your teeth. Remember, your smile and teeth are an important part of your overall look. So, the best way to achieve a perfect smile without interrupting your life with easily visible braces is Invisalign in Crystal Palace.

This Invisalign treatment in south east London is considered a reliable and quickest way to achieve straight teeth. This Invisalign treatment can not only generate a gorgeous smile but it can promote the most advantageous oral health, can be removed with ease, and let you eat the foods you love.

Let us have a closer look at the various benefits of opting for Invisalign treatment in south east London.

1) Convenient and Comfortable Solution

Invisalign trays are made using smooth plastic that makes it much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. Nowadays, they are the most popular removable dental brace. As they are removable, you can brush and floss your teeth as normal. You can easily maintain a high level of oral hygiene using Invisalign and can eat and drink whatever you want. You can even take part in sports and similar activities. Invisalign has smooth edges that make them more comfortable and can provide greater control in the teeth straightening process. Also, they are easily customizable.

 2) Virtually Invisible

Another great advantage of Invisalign is that trays are invisible. Many of us think braces look unappealing. With Invisalign, you will not have to worry about anyone seeping your brackets or wire when you smile. The reason behind it is – the trays are clear. It is an excellent option for teens and adults as they can smile self-confidently while straightening their teeth.

 3) Improves Dental Health

Improved dental health is another benefit of Invisalign. If you want to achieve healthy gums and teeth then it is important that you have straight teeth. Without it is almost impossible to achieve improved dental health. When you opt for Invisalign treatment it reduces the gap between your teeth. So, you can clean your teeth effortlessly and in a better way. Invisalign creates a robust barrier against infections by reducing the chances of gum diseases.

 4) Safe

Invisalign aligners reduce damage to teeth and gums. On the flip side, conventional metal braces contain wire that can puncture and scratch easily inside of the mouth and gums. Invisalign – clear braces are smooth and comfortable as they do not include any sharp edges. So, ultimately clear braces reduce the chances of the damage that usually caused by wearing braces, gum diseases, and cavities. Therefore they are quite safe than traditional metal braces.

 5) Duration of Treatment

Today, we all have a hectic routine so we usually do not have the time for more frequent trips to the orthodontist’s office. When it comes to the duration of treatment, Invisalign treatment straightens the teeth faster. If you opt for metal braces then you might expect the treatment to take up to 5 years. But, with Invisalign, it may take a year and a half to straighten your teeth. So, when time is a concern, Invisalign is the right choice. 

Signing Off

Remember, a clean mouth is a healthy mouth and by Invisalign in Crystal Palace, you can enjoy better overall oral health. It is the perfect solution for getting an eye-catching smile. Therefore, do not live even one more day with your crooked or misaligned teeth and enjoy the above-listed advantage of Invisalign treatment.

Look no further and connect with The Mindful Dentist - https://www.mindfuldentist.london/ today. They will help you smile confidently.

The Major Difference Between A Dentist and An Orthodontist

Doctors that treat or specialize in oral health are known as dentist and orthodontists. Both dentist and orthodontists though treat the ailments of teeth but carry out dental procedures for different types of oral health problems. 

Doctors who practice general dentistry are trained to treat and diagnose conditions of gums, tongue, mouth, and teeth. 

Orthodontists south-east London also receive this training, but they get an additional practice or education to specialize in treating and diagnosing misalignments of jaws and teeth.

We will help you understand in more detail how dentists and orthodontists differ. It will help you understand better which type of doctor is best to treat your condition. 

What is a general dentist and what do they do?

A dentist must acquire a pre-dentistry or pre-medical degree before obtaining a degree from the graduate school of dentistry. Before becoming a certified doctor, they must be trained thoroughly with adequate practice. Most of the dentist practice general dentistry.

Certified dentists can diagnose and treat the conditions of gums, tongue, teeth, and mouth. They also take care of cleaning your teeth from time to time.

Here are certain care treatments a general dentist south east London may provide

  • Repair cracked teeth
  • Fill cavities
  • Extract teeth
  • Conduct and interpret dental x-rays
  • Fill and bond teeth
  • Promote oral hygiene
  • Prescribe treatment and prescription drugs
  • Install veneers and crowns
  • Whiten teeth
  • Perform oral surgery

What is an orthodontist and what do they do?

Orthodontists are also the doctors of oral health, but they specifically treat the misalignments in jaws and teeth.

They are trained and diagnosed to treat oral health which pays special attention in making your teeth and jaw set in a correct position.

Here are the several activities conducted by an orthodontist south east London.

  • Treat misaligned jaws and teeth
  • Supervise the facial growth in children
  • Making a treatment plan that includes retainers and braces
  • Perform surgery for teeth straightening
  • Installation of dental appliances such as braces, aligners, headgear, palatal expanders, and other such appliances.

Qualification of dentist and orthodontist

Mostly, orthodontists and dentist receive the same basic dentistry education. But, orthodontist receives additional educational certification before beginning their practice.

Before applying for the graduate school of dentistry, a dentist must go for a pre-dentistry or pre-medical degree. A dentist must be trained extensively in their practice and completing a residency before getting certified. It requires passing a comprehensive exam before obtaining a certificate.

The beginning two years of dental school are usually in classroom and lab and the last two years involve working with patients under the supervision of the licensed dental school. After the completion of dental school, the dentist must pass the national dental examination to become a licensed professional.

An orthodontist must also pursue a pre-medical or pre-dentistry undergraduate degree before applying in a dentistry school. After completing a dental certification test, an orthodontist must attend a residency program for an additional 2 to 3 years to obtain a certificate in orthodontics.

Whom should you see an orthodontist or a dentist?

A general dentist south east London will resolve your standard dental issues related mostly to the gums, mouth, teeth, and tongue. If you face problems related to these areas like bleeding gums, lost or cracked tooth, cavities, replacement or placement of teeth, application of veneers, whitening tooth, etc. you can consult a general dentist.

Moreover, they also take care of your whole family from children to old adults.

An orthodontist is a specialist that only treats the conditions related to the misalignment of jaws and teeth. They focus mainly on correcting your bite structure giving you a more appealing look.

 Final Words

 Whether a dentist or an orthodontist both are equally important when it comes to taking care of your overall oral health. You must undergo a diagnosis at Mindfuldentist to identify the correct type of treatment done for you. For appointments contact at https://www.mindfuldentist.london/

Know How Orthodontists Undertake Dental Treatments

 Orthodontists are the type of dentist that corrects the improperly positioned jaws and teeth. It is hard to maintain and correct the teeth that are crooked and do not fit together. Crooked teeth are at high risk of getting periodontal diseases or being lost due to tooth decay. Here the chewing muscles take on the extra stress which can lead to headache, pain in the back, shoulder, or neck, and TMJ syndrome. Crooked teeth can also give an unpleasant appearance to the face.

A dentist that specializes in fixing your teeth correctly and making your face more pleasing is known as an orthodontist.

Here are some of the crucial points that can determine whether you need an orthodontics south east London or a general dentist. The initial check-up of your oral health is based on the diagnostic tools that include entire medical and dental history, clinical exam, plaster model of your teeth, and x-rays or photographs.

You can be a candidate for orthodontic treatment if you have the following condition


  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite
  • Misplaced midline
  • Crowding
  • Spacing


Now, let us learn how orthodontic treatments work.


Many appliances that are both removable and fixed are used to help move teeth, affect the growth of jaws, and retrain muscles. The ideal way the appliances work is by placing gentle pressure on the jaws and teeth. The severity of your condition will determine which orthodontic approach will likely be more effective.


Some of the fixed appliances include


  1. Braces


Braces are nothing but the bands, wires, and brackets that are fixed around the teeth and are used as an anchor for the appliances. While brackets are attached to the front of the tooth the arc wires pass through the bracket and attach to the bands. The tightening of the arc wires puts pressure on the teeth due to which teeth move to their proper position.

2. Special fixed appliances

The special appliances are used to control tongue thrusting or thumb sucking. They are attached to the teeth by bands. Due to their inconvenience during meals, it is used as a last measure to curb the problem.

3. Fixed space maintainers

The fixed space maintainer appliance is used by dentist inSouth east London when a baby tooth is lost before time to keep the space open until the permanent tooth comes out. Here, a band is attached to the teeth on both sides of the space. 


A list of removable appliances includes:


  1. Removable space maintainers


The device has the same function just like the fixed space maintainers. It is made up of an acrylic base that fits over the jaw and has branches of plastic or wire between the teeth to keep the space open.

2. Aligners

For adults, aligners are an alternative to traditional braces. Many orthodontics south east London use serial aligners to move the teeth in the same way as the fixed appliances work, only without brackets and metal wires. Aligners are invisible and can be removed for brushing, flossing, and eating.

3. Jaw repositioning appliances

The appliance is also known as splints. It is worn on the top or lower jaw that helps the jaw get close in a favourable position. Jaw repositioning appliance is usually used for Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ).

 Bottom Line

Now, that you know the reason to go to the orthodontics and what appliances they use to get your teeth in the correct position, you must visit the Mindfuldentist orthodontics south east London, if you are examined for any of the above-listed bite problems. With the help of the appliances you can get your teeth aligned and your face look more appealing.

For further queries related to the on-goings in the orthodontic clinic feel free to contact at https://www.mindfuldentist.london/

Emergency Dentistry: What to Do When You Can’t Reach a Dentist in South East London

  No one can imagine how a toothache feels until they experience it. Dental issues can arise unexpectedly, ruining plans and making you mise...