Embarrassed About Bad Breath?

Do you avoid talking in closed groups? Do you feel people keep a distance when interacting with you? Do you suffer from bad breath? Well, you are not alone. As per statistics 1 in every five adults suffers from varying degrees of bad breath, also known as halitosis .Many people use chewing gums, mint, and mouth was hes to avoid the foul smell. But it is advised to seek help from Dentist South East London if things go out of hand.

Causes of bad breath
Bad breath is clinically known as halitosis. While it is quite embarrassing to have bad breath, it is important to understand what causes bad breath for you. Every individual will have a different reason. Understand your problem and then work on a solution for it.
Here we walk you through some of the most common causes as suggested by Se19 dentist:

1. Food
Food stuck in your mouth after eating, especially the pungent-smelling foods like onion, garlic, and some spices as well can lead to a smelly mouth. Some food particles may also get stuck in between your teeth again leading to bad breath. Thus, Kushel Morjaria Dentist would ask you to wash your mouth properly after every meal.

2. Tobacco
Regular use of tobacco is another reason for bad breath. Smoking is not only injurious to your body but is equally bad for your breath as well.

3. Poor dental hygiene
Every dentist crystal palace would vouch for the importance of dental hygiene. The lack of hygiene can lead to bad breath. Kushel Morjaria dentist suggests regular brushing and flossing as the easiest way out of this embarrassing situation.

4. Medications
If you are on medication for certain health conditions, then that can also be the culprit behind your bad breath. These are related to the chemical breakdown inside the mouth and body leading to pungent smell.

5. Gum Diseases and infections
Any infections in the mouth and gum also contribute to bad breath. The most common issues include mouth ulcers, gum infections, and more.

6. Tooth decay
Another common reason for bad breath as per the dentist South East London is tooth decay. A damaged tooth can start smelling bad due to fungal growth and even due to the accumulation of food particles that get trapped in the gap. It is important to treat tooth decay at the earliest to save the tooth.

How to avoid Bad Breath?
Now that we have discussed in detail what causes bad breath, the next logical question that comes to our mind is how to avoid it. While there may not be any sure-shot ways, there are certainly ways to keep your mouth healthy and stay away from bad breath to some extent. Let us see some of these here:

1. Good Toothpaste
In most cases, bad breath is caused by a bacterial build-up called plaque. Kushel Morjaria dentist would recommend you use a good toothpaste along with mouth wash to keep a tab on the bacterial build-up. Thus, helping control the bad breath.

2. Regular brushing
It goes without saying, that the key to oral health is in regular brushing of your teeth. It should be done at least twice a day if not after every meal with a good toothpaste that has anti-bacterial properties.

3. Regular flossing
Flossing helps remove dirt and food particles stuck in between the teeth and in the gums. Regular flossing helps to improve the cleanliness of the mouth reducing bad breath.

4. Clean dentures
For those using dentures or bridges, your Dentist South East London would have given you clear instructions on how to clean your mouth and your dentures. Please follow the instructions judiciously to avoid any plaque build-up and bad breath.

5. Healthy Diet
Healthy body and mind are important for overall personal well-being. The same is true for your oral health. se19 dentist advocates a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle to avoid any kind of oral issues including bad breath.

6. Treatment of dental issues
In case of any dental issues please seek expert advice from dentist South East London. This is important only for your oral health but will also keep bad breath away.

7. Regular Dental Checkups
This is a must for everyone even if you have no bad breath or any other issues. While most people ignore or call off visiting Dentist South East London, any kind of dental issue must be treated at the onset. This is possible only through bi-annual dental checkups for you and your family.

The Mindful Dentist

Kushel Morjaria dentist at Dentist Crystal Palace

Walk-in to Mindful Dentist, Dentist Crystal Palace and talk to our eminent panel of dental experts to understand more about your bad breath and other related oral issues. Kushel Morjaria dentist is a much-loved dental doctor in South East London with several years of expertise in the field of dentistry. The Mindful Dentist is your one-stop for all dental issues and emergencies.

Log on to www.mindfuldentist.london to get to know more!

What to Expect When Getting Braces off

Finally, the wait is over!

It has been a long journey, but you are finally there, and made it to the milestone!! So, what should you expect? Practitioners of Orthodontics South East London believe that keeping patients informed is a sure shot way to achieve the best outcomes. Below information would help you get a glimpse of the process.

The removal procedure
First, the orthodontist would use a plier to gently squeeze the base of the brackets. This causes the adhesive to break and the brackets would come off. Don’t worry, it may sound scary, but it won’t hurt even a bit! After the brackets are off, there are high chances that there would be cement deposits leftover on the teeth. The dentist would then grind them off. This process is as similar as the teeth polishing process. So, you are in for a bonus - You get teeth polishing procedure without paying anything extra!  

Post removal

Next, the orthodontist would take an impression of your teeth and palate. The aim of this is to make a retainer. A retainer is a custom-made, removable device that is generally made of wires and clear plastic. The purpose of a retainer is to hold the teeth in a new position after braces have been removed. Generally, the orthodontist would suggest you to wear the retainers daily, except while eating. You will have to wear retainer for a couple of weeks or months and gradually reducing the time of wearing and finally stop using it.

On average this appointment should take about an hour.

Life post Braces

When it’s finally time for the orthodontist to take off your braces, you can take an enormous breath of relief and joy. It’s a priceless feeling, to look in the mirror and seeing that brand new smile of yours for the first time after you complete your orthodontic treatment. Whether you had opted for traditional braces or invisalign, the outcome is the same- a perfect and beautiful smile.

BUT, bidding goodbye to braces does not mean that your orthodontic journey is complete. Next, your orthodontist would guide you through the post braces care process. You would still need a few follow up appointments for the coming few weeks, to keep a tab on your dental alignment progress. This is the retention stage. It begins as soon as the primary braces or in visalign phase ends. And it is this stage that is the key to the success of the entire orthodontic process. The most important thing now to do is wear your retainers as per the advice given to you by your practitioner of Orthodontics South East London to keep the progress of teeth alignment you achieved intact. Post the braces wearing stage, your teeth and jawline are not rigidly set, for almost 2 years. So, your teeth need support from retainers to keep them in place and prevent them from shifting.

Risks of not wearing your retainer as prescribed

Neglecting to wear your retainer as per the instructions given by your orthodontist, would result in your teeth drifting back into their former positions as your mouth and bones still need time to adapt and stay fixed in their new position. It would result in the requirement of further orthodontic treatment to realign them. This would mean pushing down the drain,the effort, time, money and pain you had gone through during your orthodontic treatment. It could lead you to a worse condition than you were in before you put the braces - as the tissues in your mouth are soft and may lead the bone below to shift.Also, generally, patients, receive braces during their teen years, approximately around the same time when wisdom teeth are bound to show up. An incoming wisdom tooth may cause to move your newly achieved straight teeth out of their new position.As retainers not only help to keep the teeth in the desired position but also assist to align your bones and gums with your teeth and strengthen and stabilize them.

So, don’t let all your and your Practitioner of orthodontics South East London’s hard work go waste— preserve your newly achieved perfect smile by wearing your retainer.

The Mindful Dentist

Visit The Mindful Dentist to take care of your crowded or uneven smile. They have created dream smiles for countless patients in and around South East London. The Mindful dentist can take care of any dental needs you might have, from a simple annual dental check-up to complicated Dental Implants South East London. If you have further questions on orthodontics South East London, give them a call at 0208 771 7888 or reach out at info@mindfuldentist.london. 

Schedule an appointment at www.mindfuldentist.london today!

Get back your confident smile....Plan for your dental implants South East Londonat The Mindful Dentist now!

Why Bi-Annual Dental Checkup is Important?

A Dental clinic is without a doubt one of the most dreaded places to be. A lot of people have dental anxiety and would try to avoid dental visits at all costs. But what most people don’t understand is that one needs to be under dental care and get examined by dentists regularly – at least once every 6 months, even if you are not facing any sort of dental issue. 

At times such ignorance of regular dental examinations could prove to be detrimental. It is a misconception that dental examinations are more cosmetic and concerned just with the teeth, oral hygiene, and smile. The truth is that dental examinations are about keeping a check on your overall oral health. Did you know that regular dental examinations with a private dentist near me could save your life?

What Does A Dental Examination Encompasses?
Dental examinations are not only about wisdom teeth troubles, cavities, crowns, dentures or teeth whitening suggestions. A bi-annual comprehensive dental examination gives your dentist a chance to detect oral cancer and other such health complications. During a dental examination Chetan Morjaria Dentist checks for discoloration in the gums, sores in the mouth, abnormalities in the tissue around your mouth, health of the tongue and a lot of such things which may not cause you any discomfort for the time being and therefore might go unnoticed. If he finds any abnormalities, he may ask for a more comprehensive and detailed check-up. It could involve taking samples from the mouth and sending them for lab testing, to give a more detailed and accurate diagnosis.

Early Detection of Cancer
Did you know that a comprehensive dental examination could pick up signs of oral cancer in the early stages? Do ask for oral cancer screening at a private dentist near me during your next check-up, if you are in the high-risk bracket. But don’t panic, not everybody is at high risk. People who fall in the high-risk category are those with a family history of such cancer, or those using tobacco products often.

Oral cancer, in particular, is associated with high death rates. But this is not because such cancer is difficult to treat. It is because it is often discovered quite late. And bi-annual comprehensive dental examinations are a way to try and detect the early signs in the early stages. And the reason such examination s prove to be beneficial is that oral cancer can be positively treated, but only if it is treated at the right time.

Some Questions to Ask Your Dentist
When you visit your dentist for your bi-annual dental visit, usethe time to seek answers for a few questions like-

What can be done to improve dental health?
This is surely a favorite question for a dentist to answer! Regular teeth cleaning sessions at a dentist work well only when a person follows up with at-home dental hygiene practices. One may not realize, but everyone’s mouth is different. Some may need more care concerning brushing and flossing. Reputed dentists like Chetan Morjaria dentist can suggest you the right kind of toothpaste based on your fluoride requirements!

How to prevent gingivitis, tooth decay or any other kind of dental issue? 
These are the most common dental complications. The best way to stay away from any such dental problems is to follow a simple yet persistent dental routine, daily. Ask your dentist for such dental hygiene tips in your next dental examination!

Find out the dentist’s area of expertise?
Dentistry is a vast field dedicated to the teeth. It encompasses a lot of things like cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, family dentistry. So, it is a good thing to understand the specialization of dentistry required for your issues. When looking for a Dentist South East London, The Mindful dentist is your one-stop solution for all dental concerns.

Last Word
For most of us, a dentist's visit is an unpleasant experience. It is one thing a lot of us try to avoid or get done with as soon as possible. But this should change. It is important for a person’s overall health, to get a bi-annual dental examination done. Take this as an opportunity to learn ways to maximize your dental health and keep your teeth and mouth in healthy shape. 

The Mindful Dentist

Are you looking for a reputed Private Dentist Near Me? You will find the dental partner you have been looking for at The Mindful Dentist clinic. This dentist squad of Kushel Morjaria dentist and Chetan Morjaria dentist practice at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. They can handle all kinds of dental needs and are one of the most reputed private dentists in SE19.

Call them on 0208 771 7888 to book your bi-annual dental appointment today!

They can even be reached on email at info@mindfuldentist.london.

Log on to www.mindfuldentist.london to get to know more!

Book an appointment today, and enjoy a healthy life for years to come. Your dentist could save your life!

What Qualify as Dental Emergencies and How To Deal With Them?

It is important to differentiate between what can be called a dental emergency and what type of discomforts of the mouth can wait to be treated at the next available slot. This is because certain oral conditions or injuries when untreated could develop into a serious infection. Some common emergency dental issues include: 

Unexpected and excruciating toothache 
Traumatic injury to the teeth
Sudden inflammation in the gums
Pus discharge in or around the mouth
Exposed tissue from a cracked or broken tooth 

You should consult an Emergency Dentist South East London right away if you are experiencing one or more of these conditions.

What To Do During A Dental Emergency?

Cracked teeth, chipped teeth, severe toothaches, losing a filing, abscesses, etc are dental emergencies that call for immediate attention from a dentist. Not only is a dental emergency painful and scary, but any kind of infection in your mouth could be life-threatening if left untreated. Delaying treatment for a dental emergency could worsen the problem or cause irreparable damage to your teeth.

Here is what you should be doing during a dental emergency.

Step 1: Call the dentist!

Call an Emergency Dentist South East London. Explain the situation and take down any notes he may share on what you could do till you reach him. Try facetime or sharing pictures so that the dentist can get a detailed idea of the extent of the damage.

Step 2-Determine the nature of your emergency- what you can do in the meanwhile

Each type of dental emergency calls for a specific kind of procedure. Try to determine what you or your loved one is experiencing and what you can do during the wait- 

Throbbing pain and swelling mean it is likely to be an infection. Such infections if not treated expeditiously could also result in sepsis, loss of the tooth, and septic shock.

If an accident has caused the tooth to be knocked out and you are unable to reach a dentist immediately, keep in mind not to touch the root of the tooth, the gums or the surrounding teeth. This would ensure you do not develop an infection. If you can, try to place the tooth back in the socket. There are chances that the dentist might be able to save it. The important thing to do here is to keep the tooth moist till you get to a dentist. So either try holding the tooth inside your cheek, or place it in saline water or milk in a sealed container. Place the container in the refrigerator if possible and bring it for your emergency visit. With prompt treatment, there are chances a dentist may be able to restore the tooth after thoroughly cleaning it.

Placing a cold compress or ice pack on the outer part of your face where the tooth loss occurred can help to reduce bleeding and pain.

A toothache could mean there could be something trapped in your gums. In this case, you could swish warm water in your mouth and gently floss the area. If the pain doesn’t seem to subside, it could mean an advanced stage of tooth decay and only an extraction could relieve the pain.

In case there is a cracked or chipped tooth, ensure you rinse the mouth completely so that the chipped-out part doesn’t get swallowed by mistake as it could cut the inside of your mouth. If the remaining tooth is sharp, place gauze or a clean cloth around it to prevent it from cutting your tongue or inner cheeks. Also, remember to save the chipped pieces by placing them moist as in some cases the dentist would be able to fix them back.

Step 3: Reach an emergency dentist South East London as soon as possible.

If your emergency doesn’t fall into any of the above discussed, it means your issue could be cosmetic in nature. And cosmetic issues can wait. If a slight chip in your tooth isn’t causing pain, you need not seek services of an emergency dentist South East London, but wait for a next convenient time to meet them. But be sure, you don’t neglect to meet the dentist in the next possible availability.

Mindful Dentist

It is important you act quickly in a dental emergency and don’t wait for it to get better on its own. In South East London, the reputed and experienced Mindful Dentist team function sround the clock for dental emergencies. They do the best to save your teeth whether fractured, chipped, or knocked out. Not only do they provide emergency services, but they provide a complete range of regular dental services like Teeth Whitening South East London, tooth extractions, tooth fillings, root canal, crowns and bridges, dentures and many more. 

You could reach them by calling 0208 771 7888 or sending an emailat info@mindfuldentist.london. Log on to www.mindfuldentist.london to know more about the services and treatments offered.

Emergency Dentistry: What to Do When You Can’t Reach a Dentist in South East London

  No one can imagine how a toothache feels until they experience it. Dental issues can arise unexpectedly, ruining plans and making you mise...