Are you experiencing a flash of pain in your gums? Do you sense sudden toothaches?

Do not worry, you are not alone! A survey reveals that 22 % of adults all over the world have experienced such a pain in their jaws, gums or teeth within the last six months. And the most likely explanation behind such pain is either sensitivity, crack in one of your teeth or some sort of infection in the mouth.

And now the good news: in most cases, any sort of sudden tooth discomfort is treatable! Just reach out to a Dentist South East London to understand how.

Below mentioned are the 7 most probable reasons for such sudden tooth pain-

1. Temperature sensitivity

If you are exposed to extreme heat or cold, you will experience temperature sensitivity. Such sensitivity is caused if the enamel of your tooth has worn out or the nerves of your teeth are exposed. So, when you eat or drink something hotter or colder than the usual food temperatures, you experience a sudden, sharp flash of pain.

2. Gum recession

Gums are the pink fleshy layer that covers bones inside your mouth. They surround the tooth roots and protect the ending of nerves. With age, these gum tissues may begin to wear. This leads to gum recession. Such a recession exposes the roots of the teeth and makes you more vulnerable to gum disease and possible tooth infections.If you start feeling that your teeth have grown very sensitive compared to what they used to be, blame it all on gum recession.

3. Enamel erosion

The shiny white enamel which covers your teeth, is the hardest substance in the human body, even stronger than bone. But then also, it can be damaged by consuming a highly acidic diet, or even a simple thing like brushing your teeth too hard or with a wrong kind of toothbrush. And when such protective coating of the teeth begins to wear away, one may tend to feel sharp, stabbing pain. Such pain can send shivers up your spine on biting.

4. Cavities

Cavities are the term used for decaying teeth. A cavity in your tooth is another reason behind the sudden tooth discomfort you might be feeling. But such tooth decay lingers on the side/ top of the tooth enamel for a while before it actually begins causing pain. That’s why regular dental check-ups with a reputed dentist like Kushel Morjaria dentist could help you in addressing such issues in time before they damage your teeth or give you pain.

5. Gum disease

Gum disease is known as periodontal disease and is another common cause of tooth pain. When in early stages such a condition is known as gingivitis. In this stage, an ordinary person may not even be aware of such a development in the mouth. Only when you begin to feel the sensitivity in the teeth/gums would you realize it. Hence by undergoing regular dental check-ups every 6 months at a trusted Dentist South East London, you would be able to solve the issue before it escalates!

6. Cracked tooth or crown

Yes, a major and visible cracked tooth/ crown can cause sensitivity and tooth pain. But there are cases of a slight crack in the tooth, which would not come in the notice to an ordinary person. Hence, he would not be able to pinpoint the cause of pain! 

7. Sinus infection

A sinus infection could also lead you to pain in the teeth and jaw. In a sinus infection, the sinuses become inflamed. They get filled with pressure from the infection. This pressure can compress the nerve endings of the teeth, causing you pain.

When to see a doctor

If you never had sensitive teeth, and sensitivity has developed suddenly, fix an appointment at dentist crystal palace as soon as possible.

Not all dental sensitivities call for lengthy procedures. Even simple sensitivity-reducing toothpaste could solve the purpose. Or you could need a corrective procedure, like a tooth filling or a tooth extraction. But, the most important thing to keep in mind is that simple symptoms should never be ignored. Always consult a SE19 dentist if you experience the following

throbbing pain that doesn’t subside
toothache that lasts for more than 2 days
headache that extends to your teeth
toothache that’s got you a fever.

The Mindful Dentist

The Mindful Dentist is your one-stop destination for all your dental needs. Be it a planned dental procedure, regular dental check-ups or an emergency. This dental team of Kushel Morjaria dentist and Chetan Morjaria dentist is the best dentist crystal palace has. They offer you a full range of dental solutions at affordable prices. So, if you wish to know more about the Mindful Dentist just ping at 0208 771 7888. You can even drop in an email at info@mindfuldentist.london. 

Log on to www.mindfuldentist.london to book an appointment with the best SE19 dentist today!

An Insight into Dental Braces

If you’re about to become one out of the millions of people all over the world who opt to wear braces to align or straighten teeth, improve your bite,fix gaps between teeth, improve your smile or your overall dental health; then you are sure to have loads of questions in your mind. This write up would help you answer a lot of them.

Conventional metal or ceramic braces

Let us start from the beginning. Well, it takes about 2 hours to get your braces fixed. It could hurt a little as certain parts of the process involve application of little pressure. However, overall, it cannot be called a painful process.

Let’s guide you through the process- 

Spacers - If your back teeth are very close together, practitioners of Orthodontics South East London might put spacers or rubber bands between them, typically for about a week before your braces are fixed. This creates enough space for the band to fit around the hind teeth. In some cases,  might leave your back teeth and jaw a little sore.

Cleaning - Your teeth need to be super clean and dry before a practitioner of orthodontics South East London can put braces on them. 

Gluing the brackets - Brackets are the little metal or ceramic pieces that hold the wires. A little amount of specialized glue is used to attach the brackets. Then a little blue light is focused on the teeth, that ensures they get stuck.

Putting the bands - Metal bands are fixed at the end of the molars to anchor the braces. 

Attaching the arch wire - Little rubber bands are put around each bracket. This is a fun part as you get to choose the color you want!

Lingual braces

Lingual braces also have a similar procedure, the only difference being they are fixed on the backside of the teeth. Such a procedure may take a little longer than the conventional braces. Also, only specially trained and experienced practitioners of Orthodontics South East London would be able carry it out.  

Pain management

If the pain is hindering your daily routine, you may ask your dentist to prescribe some pain killers. The brackets or wires could also result in some sore places in your mouth, due to rubbing against the insides of your cheeks. Your practitioner of orthodontics South East London would give you wax to cover such places to avoid the rubbing.

Otherwise, rinsing with a saltwater solution also helps relieve such pain. Other options include the application of topical an aesthetic gels on the sore spots.

And worry not, this discomfort won't last beyond a month's time, by then your mouth would have got adjusted to the braces.

Taking care of the braces

Once you have had the braces put on, you would have to take extra time, effort and care to brush your teeth multiple times a day to prevent stains or cavities on your teeth. If you are unable to brush after each snack or meal, the least you could do is swish with water. You should also consider switching to using special tools like a water flosser or an interproximal brush. Such a brush ensures cleaning underneath the archwire and between your teeth, thus preventing breeding ground of cavities causing bacteria.

Foods you can eat with braces 

With braces in place, you would have to restrict the kind of food you can eat. It is recommended you consume soft foods for the first few days after you get your braces put on or adjusted. This way you can minimize pain from chewing. You can try out foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soft fruits like bananas, ice-creams, drinks like smoothies that are not only soft but tummy-filling too!

Food to avoid with braces

Practitioners of orthodontics South East London recommend you to avoid consuming certain foods for as long as you have braces. The list includes any kind of hard, chewy, and sticky food. They also advise you to stay away from food like nuts, chewing gum, popcorn, corn on the cob, etc.

My Two Cents
It can be said that there are two biggest days in the life of someone with braces. The first is the day they get their braces on, and second is the day they get it off! You need a specialized and experienced orthodontist to be able to do a good, less painful and impeccable job. Such a process calls for a lot of experience and foresight on the part of the orthodontist. So, it would be a wise decision to do a lot of research before you finalize on an orthodontist. One such remarkable dental team is The Mindful Dentist.

The Mindful Dentist

The Mindful Dentist is located at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. They are one of the top-class practitioners of orthodontics South East London. So, if you wish to correct your teeth alignment or know more about Dental Implants South East London, the Mindful Dentist is your best bet.

If you have any queries just call 0208 771 7888 or drop an email at info@mindfuldentist.london. You can even visit www.mindfuldentist.london to schedule an appointment. 

Today…. Right now…. Is the time to gain back your confidence! Plan for correcting your teeth alignment or for dental implants South East London at The Mindful Dentist right away!

Identifying and Treating a Dead Tooth

Our teeth are made up of hard and soft tissues. The pulp is the interior layer of the tooth. It comprises of nerves, which when damaged stop providing blood to the tooth. This results in infections and leads a tooth to die. Such a tooth is referred to as a non-vital tooth.

Signs of a dead tooth

A tooth that does not receive a fresh supply of blood is referred to as a dead tooth. Tooth discoloration isa preliminary sign of a dying tooth. Even pain in tooth or gums could indicate the same. This, however, doesn’t mean people with a uniformly discolored tooth in the shades of off-white or light yellow are heading towards dying teeth!

Discoloration: A discoloredand dying tooth will be a shade different than the rest of the teeth. It could appear yellow, light brown, grey, or even black. It could even look as if it’s bruised. Such discoloration increases with time, with the further decaying of the tooth. 

Pain:A common symptom for a dying tooth is a pain in the tooth and adjoining gums. This may or may not be accompanied with sensitivity.

Other possible symptoms of dying tooth could be bad breath, swelling around the gum line and bad taste in your mouth.

Causes for a tooth to die

Trauma or injury is the most probable cause of a dead tooth, followed by poor dental hygiene.Poor dental hygiene may result in cavities. Cavities originate from the enamel and eventually reach the pulp and infect it. Such an infection results in cutting the blood supply to the pulp. If left untreated this could lead to a damaged and/or dead tooth.


A routine dental examination and X-rays can help identify a dying tooth. Pain and discoloration could also indicate the same. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a Private Dentist Near Me if you have been through any sort of tooth injury or if you notice any signs of a dying tooth. Quick treatment may save you a lot of probable trouble.


Treating a dying/ dead tooth as soon as possible can prevent bacteria from the dead tooth to spread to other healthy teeth. Such a bacterial infection could also adversely affect the jawbone and gums.Chetan Morjaria dentistcan easily treat a dead/ dying tooth either with a root canal or by complete removal of the entire tooth.

Root canal

A root canal helps to keep your tooth intact. For a root canal, the dentist makes an opening into the tooth to remove the pulp and clean out the infection. Then he shall fill and seal the roots. After which he would place a permanent filling on it.Generally, one needs to get a crown following a root canal if the enamel was damaged or the tooth had a large filling. Over time teeth that have undergone a root canal tend to get brittle. Therefore, a crown is recommended especially for posterior teeth that carry out grinding and chewing.

Removal or extraction

If the toothis severely damaged and is in unrestorable condition, then Chetan Morjaria dentist from The Mindful dentist may recommend the complete removal ofthe dead tooth. Once the tooth is removed, he would guide you through the process of tooth replacement with options like dental implants, dentures or dental bridges.

Tips for prevention of tooth death

It is not always possible to prevent death/decay of your teeth. But certain things ensure to reduce the risk of tooth death-
•    Good oral hygiene- flossing once a day and brushing twice a day.
•    General dental check-ups with a private dentist near me, every once in 6 months. Preventative dental care assures to stop dental problems before they arise. A dentist can identify early signs of tooth issues and recommend steps to nip the issues in the bud.
•    Wear a mouth guard if participating in contact sports.
•    Eat a healthy diet regularly and avoid eating high sugar content foods.
•    Drink a lot of water, especially after eating. This helps wash away bacteria that could have formed on the teeth.

My Two Cents

You must consult a private dentist near me right away on the first signs or suspicions of a dead or dying tooth. It is no brainer that early treatment is sure to prevent further complications as an untreated infection from a dead tooth could easily damage the surrounding teeth and structures too!

The Mindful Dentist

Searching for a reputed Emergency Dentist South East London? Want to reach out to someone to handle your tooth troubles? Then the Mindful Dentist team is just where your search ends. They are your one-stop destination for all oral health needs. The Mindful Dentist team includes Kushel Morjaria dentist and Chetan Morjaria dentist. Their team provides top-class yet affordable all-round dental care. To learn more about options for dealing with a dead tooth, just call 0208 771 7888. You may even drop in an email at info@mindfuldentist.london.

Log on to www.mindfuldentist.london to get to know more!

Schedule an appointment today, let your teeth get the care they deserve!!

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